Husbands that have been diployed

edited March 2011 in Military moms
My husband is getting deployed to afganistan in feb for 12 months by that time we will have a 5 month old. Im really scared of raising this baby my self and him not comming back I pray that he does come back and I enjoy every min of him while hes still here. Has any moms/wifes had to go threw this? Please I need advice? Its our first baby and hes gonna miss out for a year. :(


  • My husband is a marine. His first deployment was when our son was 1yr old. He is leaving again VERY soon for about 10 months. We just found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant. He will miss everything. I'm scared of doing it alone with a 3 yr old!
  • I'm 11 weeks with my first and my husband is going overseas soon. He has already left for training and is going to miss everything. I'm scared to do this all alone too.
  • I'm 30 weeks today, my husband is set to deploy just after our little girl gets Herr.
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