pregnant with twins

edited March 2011 in October 2011
i'm due Oct 28th, this is my first pregnancy and I'm carrying twins. i have a lot of questions and I won't lie..... im kind of scared


  • Ask away, there's a lot of us that have multiples on the way or have all ready had them. Congrats and welcome to the multiples club!
  • Ur not the only one...I'm terrified of giving birth but I really want twins this is my first pregnancy also but I dnt thnk I wana hav them after this pregnancy I don't want too many children I think this may b my only child
  • thank you all for replying. im a just afraid that a little frame such as mine will not be able to carry them. im 5'4 105 pounds.... my doctor said that I will be fine but I still question it. i also wanted to know how active do you guys think I should be. i am a full time student and employee. should I be resting more or keep my regular schedule til i'm bigger. im 7weeks right now..... to u miss. beauty, yes I think this will be my first and last pregnancy lol
  • How exciting! Congrats! Take good care of yourself and those babies! Don't be scared just take it one day and moment at a time! Enjoy each moment too, they are precious! :)
  • Congratulations. I have 11 month old twin girls.
  • When I got pregnant with my twins, I wasn't even 100lbs yet, but I'm 5'8". So I looked sickly skinny! You'll be fine, it's amazing home much our bodies can compensate for the little ones. It just means that when they really start moving you'll be able to see a lot more. I think that being a full time student and working isn't that much of a problem, just listen to you're body, you'll know when you are trying to do much.
  • With you being so small I would cur back on somethings. & rest as much as possible. Drink plenty of fluids.
  • I have more symptoms with this single, then I ever did with my twins. I had one week of morning sickness with the boys, and with this one I could barely eat anything until about a week ago.
  • I really appreciate all the advice!!! Thank you all so much!
  • Hahaha, twins definitely make life interesting. Mine are almost 10, and it's amazing to watch them now that they have their own personalities. A lot of people think they are much harder then a single, but they really aren't. Once they get on a schedule it's not so bad, and then when they become toddlers it's great because they entertain each other if you have something you need to do. I think I'm going to stress more over having this one. :)
  • that is so good to know because I thought I was gonna be one stressed out mama! lol.... everyone that I have talked to has advised me to put them on a schedule so I will definitely do that as soon as possible
  • My twins are five, and though the pregnancy was loooong and I was huge and so uncomforable, they were born full term at over seven pounds each and so healthy. I took it reeally easy during my pregnancy with them. The first year was so hard, but I absolutely adore having twins and love them so much. I didn't have to have a c-section because they were both head down so it is possible! Good luck, twins are a huge responsibility but even bigger blessing!
  • It's the best thing. I had the boys waking up about 30 minutes apart, that way when I was done with the first, they second was waking up, and I had about 2 hours in between for the first couple of months.

    The smartest thing I think I ever did was how I marked them to make sure no one would ever confuse them. I used nail polish on their big toe on their left foot. Josh had blue, Zach had green, I did everything in alphabetical order. And that's still their colors to this day for family reunions and stuff. But the nail polish didn't wash off with every bath, and it was small enough that it wasn't annoying.
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