Well im now 27 weeks n im jus a lil curious on wen do I start seeing my OB evry 2 weeks? Currently I c her evry mnth n im lik daz very spaced out visits 2 say im so far along.
I'm 31 wks nd I'm going every 3 weeks now. It was 4! But the further along u get the lesser it will be. I think when I turn 8 months I will be going every 2wks & so on!
@luvn_my_babies I go do it on da 17 but I rembr wit my son I did it @ lik 25 weeks. Im jus rdy 4r dis prgncy 2 b ova. I cnt deal wit all da ups n downs of bein preggo.
I am 32wks my last appt was on 02/24 my next will be on 03/17 it was every 4 wks before then then this one was 3wks and after that it goes to every 2wks for me anyways
Ill be 30 weeks tomorrow and after my 26 week check I started seeing my doctor every 2 weeks. I have an appointment Tuesday and after this one it'll be 3 weeks till my next cuz I'm going out of town for that time.