Sending him letters

edited March 2011 in Military moms
I need some advice on sending my hubby letters while he's in basic training. I haven't got his address yet, when he called to give it to me I couldn't hear what he was saying. I called and they said that a post card would be mailed to me with his address on it and if I didn't recieve it by Monday their computer systems will have it for me.
Problem is I'm not sure what to say to him, I've written a couple already and they sound like I'm writting in a journal but with lots of "I love you's" and "I miss you's." I think it'll really help me too, when I can send off these leters.
How do I make sure I'm being what he needs me to be? How do I not let him know that I'm falling to pieces without him?
Advice please.


  • Tell him what you are doing everyday, it will help him get through it knowing that you are ok and keeping yourself busy. Keep him updated on his favorite TV shows, things like that. Remember to send lots of pictures. Also, encourage him as much as possible... tell him you are proud of him, to keep his head up and stay strong. And lastly mention some things you'd like to do once he graduates... a particular restaurant you'd like to visit, a weekend trip, whatever. I wrote my hubby every single day for the 13 weeks he was away at bootcamp! Getting a letter from you is a huge deal... even though going on about your day may not seem exciting to you, it is to him! :)
  • When I went through basic just letters in general where great and helped me get through it. The I love yous and we r so prouds were great but its always nice to hear what's going on back home. Just send lots of letters even if they aren't really long. Oh and pictures I loved getting pictures.
  • @kristaf22 He's in the Air Force
    @1_mama_squared Thank you, I just feel like I'm not doing what he would want me to do

    FYI I just broke down crying to our mail lady because I still haven't recieved the post card with his address on it. :'(
  • I totally know how you feel, I was a mess! Then a couple months later I found out within a month of each other that I was preggo and he was deploying to Iraq. He missed our daughter's birth. As horrible as the situation was at the time, we got through it! Keep yourself busy. The waiting game sucks but I PROMISE you that you will be a stronger person for it and it will also make your relationship stronger! Cheer up, he wouldn't want you to be sad. Stay strong.
  • @cosenswife I was going to have our 4 year olds draw pictures on the envelopes for him, but I heard that he'd have to do extra push ups if he got anything but plain white envelopes. Is that true? I just want to send him something that'll put a smile on his face, even for just a few minutes.
  • When I was at basic anything. And everything about real pols life is nice to read! Tell him ALL about your day, your hopes and dreams... send pictures.. put a spray of ur perfume on the letter :) keep sending stuff he might not get time to write u back. But he will Deff be thinking of u all the time ;)
  • I agree with the ladies above. He wants to know everything he is missing.. but dont talk about things that he will feel bad for not being able to be there to help. I recieved little goofy cards and pictures drawn from friends kids. Photographs are great... He could get in trouble but we used to have girl whose mom used to unseal the bottom of a laundry detergent mini box and put her favorite candy wrapped in a plastic bag hidden in it and reseal the box. She would send us all little goodies too! It was nice. I send my hubby little corny cards w/ kisses on it and stuff.
  • No he wont have to do extra push ups.. I'm in the air force and we got all kinds of stuff in the mail plain envelopes to big ones covered in kid stickers :) you can even send him his favorite candy... but send a small package if u do cuz he might have to eat it all in 10 sec or something ... good choice on the AF they take good care of the ppl
  • No he wont have to do extra push ups.. I'm in the air force and we got all kinds of stuff in the mail plain envelopes to big ones covered in kid stickers :) you can even send him his favorite candy... but send a small package if u do cuz he might have to eat it all in 10 sec or something ... good choice on the AF they take good care of the ppl
  • Thank you @mommy2audrey and @lilbit01_209! I thought about maybe doing a game, like tic tac toe, that we could mail back in forth. Would that be a bad idea? If not, any suggestions? I would like to do something original :)
    I'm feeling better already
  • The tick tax toe sounds fun! Do u know what his job is going to be?
  • @mommy2audrey I don't know exactly what his job is. Something like munitions (sp?) but I don't really know nothing about it. Do you? I would like to know more. :)
  • I don't think its bad to let him know you are falling apart without him. I think that is important to him to know you miss him and want him back. I have copies of all the letters that I sent my hubby when he was deployed and they do seem kind of journal-ish. Just nothing about the extra responsibility that you take on when he's not there. Don't want to make him feel bad. Good luck! It took a long time to find out the mailing address for my hubby when he was deployed, it can be different for every situation. Any military branch runs on its own time schedule though.
  • @maranda3 I went through about 5 years ago and if we got candy anything edable we had to eat it all in one sitting while everyone else pushed. If I was u would just put the drawing in the envilope. Things have changed since I was in basic but I would do it that way just in case u don't want home to get more shit than needed. What is his job going to be? Just curious.
  • That would be cool... it depends on how he does with that. I would not put anything on the envelopes b/c the drills can give him s**t for it... And no risky photos. They used to trash our rooms and all. They took my roommates hidden thongs and hung them all over the room. So you dont know what they would do with photos...
  • Yea munitions was a job I wanted lol
    we also call our cops sp's

    So he could be ether ... munitions is way cool they deal with all the ammo and bombs n stuff like that if that's his job his tech school will be at Sheppard AFB in Texas...

    Security forces (cops) they mostly sit and GAURD things lol but they get to carry guns. ;)
  • Lol I was a cop and I loved the job. We do everything a normal cop does and a whole lot more.
  • @Mommy2audrey It is munitions then, I remember him saying something to his brother about putting bombs together or something. And he is going to tech school at Sheppard. :) Hopefully he'll love his job
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