my waters broken today but im only 32w im so scared

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
My water broke at 6:24pm ive been to hospital but cause my cervix closed an stop leekin water they sent me home im in pain an im stil leekin a little they knw my water broke as they could see an smell it on the pad im worried as they only listen to my babys heart beat an cause hes fine an there no more big los of water they sent me home :-( im so scared for my babys health hes movin a lot he but id stil worried


  • when u go back?
  • Hang in there, honey! You are plenty far along enough that even if you do deliver him soon, he will be just fine. My daughter was born at 38 weeks, my best friends' baby at 36 weeks & my brother in law was born over a month early... all of them are perfectly normal. Just try to relax & keep your feet up. When its his time to come, he will come no matter what. Good luck! I hope all goes well for you two. :)
  • They said to go back if I leek more water or start gettin bad pains or bleedin im in pain but nt much
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  • @vette_devil I hope he hold on for jus few more weeks as hes stil up st8 so id have to have c-sec what I dont understand is ive got metal in my heart an im gettin chest pain my left aim keep feelin like pin an needles but they stil sent me home with nothin :-(
  • That's very odd... does your regular doc know? If not, I would give them a call just to be safe.
  • edited March 2011
    Thats called a preterm premature rupture of the membranes which can be serious. Those nurses/doctors at the hospital sound like quacks! They are supposed to take it seriously and put you on hospital bed rest! When a woman is in labor, they like to deliver the baby within 24 hours after her water breaks because after that there is risks of infection. If you are 32 weeks, they should be keeping you, putting you on antibiotics and fluids to reduce the risk of infection to you and baby!
  • Did you call your ob? That doesn't sound right
  • I would def call your ob. When I was in the hospital my ob said don't do anything w/ out her consent.
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