Ugh... my MIL's reaction. (vent)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So we revealed to my in-laws the other night that we found out we would be having another girl, and my MIL says "Well I guess you'll have to have a 3rd then, because you have to have a boy".
WTF?!?... sorry... I'm just fuming & it really hurt my feelings. I could not be happier about this beautiful, healthy little girl! I wish we'd never told them. :(


  • I'm sorry. We just told my mil that I'm preg and due in Nov. She said..."another Nov bday" with a rude tone.
  • My mil was horrible with things too! We told her we were pregnant again and she was like, is that what you wanted? Like seriously! We told her we were trying again because of a miscarriage in may last year....duh we were happy! Then we said we were also having another girl and she's like oh is that okay? Os that the gender u wanted? Seriously!! No matter what we were happy! Grrrr. Lol
  • Mil are such b#%&*es arnt they lol i remember when i told her with both my pregnancys that we were having the rime i was living in florida had no family at all they all lived in australia my husbabd was in the military out at see so i was by myself oh yeah she only lived in south carolina.....any way she told me if i was having a girl she would of come to florida to help me through the pg also been thete for the birth of the baby and to help out afterwards, because we had 2 boys she wanted nothing to do with us lol karmas a bitch i say now im pregnant with a girl we told her...but now we live in australia she would love to be here but cant stand flying
  • Thank you, ladies! I feel much better. :) I just can't understand why or even HOW she thinks its my choice, lol... and I am thrilled that our little girl is looking healthy & that I've had no complications with 2 pregnancies in a row, when I know so many women aren't so lucky. She also hasn't called or texted me since we told them & I KNOW if it were a boy, she would have called me to go baby shopping the next day. Ugh...
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