bottle types

edited March 2011 in Breastfeeding
Hi everyone I'm new to pregly n will be a first time mom early July. I plan on breastfeeding, but there will b times I pump and bottlefeed. I want to know if glass bottles r better than plastic or vice versa and does anyone have experience with stainless steel bottles? I've never heard of them, but saw them at babies r us.


  • I used breastflow with my first kid. He had no problem going back and forth. I've never heard of stainless steel either.
  • @sands3 Thank you cuz with this bn the first idk wats best. Ive worked n a day care for years n never came across stainless steel ones. I appreciate ur advice though I am so lost, too many options!
  • I liked the drop in ones! Super easy and no having to scrub old milk out of it! And I've never seen the stainless steel ones.
  • @barbie that does seem convenient! Am I the only one who saw the stainless steel ones? Lol nobody knows wat I'm talking about!

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