really sharp pains in my bum!

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm having Sharp stabbing pains in my bum, really painful, they actually make me shout out with the sudden pain. it just comes quick no lasting pain and then happens again. Also he is moving a lot and I'm having period pains. Is this due to him moving or is this a sign of labour. Not had the stabbing pains before and I'm 35 weeks. Please help.


  • Im feeling this too, guessing its normal. Im 33.4
  • I hope so. Really uncomfortable :/
  • I am 34 weeks and feeling the same thing. My doc said that the baby puts a lot of pressure on your pelvis and is also pushing on a mass of nerves. At least in my case he said it was the baby squishing the nerves and them sending out the pain.
  • Thankyou I've been trying to find out what these pains are all about. Thanks again :)
  • I'm a licensed massage therapist. I have a lot of prego's who complain about this. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to make it go away because it is the baby putting pressure in your static nerve. But you can relieve it temporarily b/c as you get bigger it can get worse.

    Some of you may experience pain only in your butt, and some may feel it going down their leg as well.

    The pain usually is coming from the nerve being pinched or pushed on in the low back. Take a tennis ball and put it on your butt in between your but and the wall. Lean against it with what pressure u can stand. And roll it in a circular motion. Or have your partner do it for you with a tennis ball.
    Let me know how it goes!
  • I had sciatic nerve pain with my first pregnancy and also with my current one. I also had it in between...once you get it, sometimes it doesn't go away :( I have found no relief. Sorry not much help but misery loves company :)
  • I've started having them to and my dr said the same thing. Its just the baby squashing the ball of nerves there. Its VERY uncomfortable. My dr told me to put a heating pad on the low setting on it and out works. Also try sitting on your knees (but leave room for your belly between your legs) and put a pillow under your chest and upper belly and lay face down. (the childrens pose in yoga I think) It takes the pressure off your back (and your ribs if the baby pushes on those too).
  • Thankyou will give that a go :)
  • U can go on your hands n knees like a dog n arch ur back and straighten up, it will help with pressure
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