You should be ashamed of yourselves

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I cannot believe how mean people are here. I fought this was a place that I could go and share my problems without judgement.... Instead I get made fun of and kicked off. Now I'm stuck in the hospital with no one to talk to and am extremely upset.
So sorry I talked about my problems and posted under the wrong spot.

You guys know who you are, and I hope you feel bad. Good bye


  • I'm sorry you had a bad experience on here, were not all like that. Hope all is well. I just ignore the rude people on here. Good luck with everything :)
  • Awww I'm sorry that happened to u
  • thats terrible hope ur ok
  • Sorry I was mean. But you gotta admit some of ur posts seemed fake and theres no way to really tell through a computer screen ya know
  • I agree with you, this forums full of shit.
  • Ok so someone told me some good advice today maybe it can help when u encounter rude,judgmental,mean,or ppl who just lack common say to yourself its mind over matter I don't mind so they don't matter and my favorite one is...Don't wrestle with a pig bc u both wind up dirty but in the end the pig is happy.
  • Were not all like that =)
  • Were not all like that at all. Bah ha ha at the pig comment. My dad taught me that prime phrase at a young age. Its too true. Let them be and ignore them
  • I haven't been on most of the day being as I'm sick, 2 of my kids are sick & my husband was at the doctor for a work injury. Otherwise, I would have been able to take care of it. I do know the other moderator as well as Martin (main man) have looked into it. I hope by now things have calmed down, but if by chance they haven't, please contact myself, @Martin or @Mama_Kat to let us know what's going on. We will be happy to help. Thanks. Hang in there!

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Moderator
  • I haven't seen any bad discussions in a while they've been looking out for those kind of things n cutting it off before it starts. Sorry about what happened.
  • I am New no here and agree i have read some horrible things and some really judgmental horrible people. Have people not heard that if you have nothin nice to say then say nothing at all?
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