circumcising son once born??



  • I plan on it...ouch but he will thank me in the long run
  • Its none of her business. Just stop talking about it with her. Its like someone telling you they don't like the name you picked out. Its ur choice.
  • I had my son circumsized and its good Just tell her it is best for him and its easier to keep his penis clean & less chance for infection or STDs
  • My brother isn't and everyone made fun of him.. they called him rumple foreskin .. its funny now but it was tough to see him embarrassed by it
  • Ahw that's so sad :( see I don't want him to be teased either. That's my baby boy they.d be talking about! Haha im gonna do it no matter what anyone says tho. Im just not gonna take him to go get it done. Im making his father take him.

    Or do they do it right once he's born??
  • They usually do it before you leave the hospital.
  • They do it before he leaves the hospital.. Don't worry ge wont feel it because I was concerned that my son would b n sooo much pain and the doctor told me that they cant feel pain as good as we do when their that small bcuz their pain level is higher then ours.. Thats why they say its best to have it done when they r little babies so it wont hurt so bad.
  • Yeah in gonna have it done, I just wasn't sure when they do it. Hse
  • Ha no hse Haha
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