today when doing laundry i found...



  • I'm sorry:-( its true there's a box he's hid somewhere and the fact he's being sneaky is creepy... I would go somewhere until he decides to come up with the truth... you at least deserve that.. also you can thank god at least he's used a condom if he has been nasty... but really demand the truth and don't go home till he tells you...
  • You can buy condoms individually at sex shops. So we can't say he has a whole box.
  • edited March 2011
    I do think he's probably cheating but do you have somewhere to go and do you have savings or money of your own? And b x tried emptying the bank acount as soon as I found out he was cheating because he thought I would get to it first. Take A few days and try to find out anything else you can about the situation. In the meantime...plan your escape or decide if u will be kicking HIM out. U NEED TO B A STEP AHEAD OF HIM because some guys can b ruthless.................LOL...Found a condom in his cheerios! Good one bigpoppa. !
  • @bigpoppa I love that ur giving a guys perspective, but if I found a condom in my husbands pants & he stumbled a story, I would walk out! We hvent used condoms in over 2 yrs (ttc for 17 months) plus a stumbled story.......come on! Plus even thoughts about cheating how is that fair? I'm not trying to start a debate or make anyone mad, I'm just thanking & asking.
    @heatherlynn sweets good luck & I know. easier said than done but no stressies for u & bby just get outta the house after u tlk let him know ur not kidding around. Apparently there are some guys out there that view cheating as no biggie.....well lil boys newsflash it is a big thing! Do you havea close friend or relative you can go ralk ro & trust not to judge or tell anyone? I would call that person up & go vent mama ;) xxxxxx %%-
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