tsunami in hawaii!! plz help!!

edited March 2011 in USA moms
Can anyone tell me what happened in hawaii after the initial wave on o'ahu? I accidentally fell asleep after I fed the baby and didn't wake up til 11:30 and I've been watching the weather channel and they just keep talking about japan and cali. I can't get a hold of my brother either through the phone. Someone please let me know what's going on because I can't find anything on the net either!!


  • There was some flooding, a little bit of damage to marinas & stuff like that, nothing major. They get worse during a hurricane. :)
  • Im praying for you. The ladies are talking about it in another thread
  • So why aren't they covering hawaii anymore? They just keep going back and forth from japan to all over cali but they're not talking about hawaii at all!! I've been watching now for 2.5 hrs!!
  • Because hawaii had "insignificant" damage, & they were prepared, while they are dealing with not only the waves but river flooding in cali. That's my guess.
  • No prob, I lived in hawaii for three years & cali for 3 years & japan for 3 years, its been a long day for me. The islanders know exactly what they are doing & pros at it, mainlanders not so much.
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