older moms



  • I am also 31 and will be 32 when the baby comes in September......my oldest is 10 and my youngest is 9 I too am starting the baby years all over again and have to say that I am more tired now with this one then I ever was with my Boys....this baby was not planned but now that I am preggo I cannot wait to see the baby and hold them in my arms......love the fact that I get an ultrsound every month. To see the baby......I am 7 weeks and 5 days according to my last ultrsound .........I so cannot wait to see the baby again on Feb 17th......then the 24th at the clinic where the techs get trained I get free ultrsounds to see the baby so they can learn how to do ultrasounds...... :)
  • Im 37 will turn 38 a month after baby is born. I had my son 17 months ago. I slso have 2 girls 14 & 17. We didn't want my son to feel like an only child since the older 2 will be out of the house before he starts school. The testing they do at this age stresses me out. I am high risk because of some negative cvs results so I get ultra sounds done every two weeks. That makes things better because I see her and im reassured that she will be ok. I feel her move all the time and it always make me smile knowing that she's doing good. I can not wait to hold her in my arms!!! I just hour that my son will not feel left out in any way!! I love him so much and dont want him to feel sad! Although we planned this baby I cried when I find out and I still havd moments that I find myself in tears for how this new baby will effect my son. My girls are older and have no issues with the baby.
  • @ grnfish and Kmose77 thanks for responding. That helps as well. No sono yet. Not until about 17-18 weeks.

    And I feel ya on the diaper issue. We will be starting all over too. All the way from maternity clothes to ALL the baby gear.

  • I am 32 and am expecting baby#3 in July. I have a 12 year old and a 2 year old. I really enjoyed being pregnant with my 2 year old and so far this had been a pretty good pregnancy too. I think being pregnant in my 30s was better than when I was 19 with my first. They've just been easier.
  • I will be 36 next week and am 35 weeks preggers with number 6. I feel so gross And have been very insecure thus pregnancy but could be that my husband is 23 and very good looking. Always wonder why a young guy would want to be with me anyway. Lol my other kids are 17(b) 15(b) 10(b) 7(g) 5(b). Oh and just found out my oldest is making me a grandma in august....lol now I really feel old.
  • Oh wow. That is pretty cool. Good luck to all of you... not too old... its just a number.... moms. Thanks for responding
  • @momma2joe...i had the cvs test as well. Good thing I never had it with my first two because I would have never had another baby lol. It has been nice seeing the baby as much as I have and bc of the cvs...we know it's a boy.
    Good luck to you all!
  • @mom2six2011
    My husband is 23 as well and I also am 35..mann I know how you feel..it amazes me how he can think im so beautiful but hey love is a strong chemical!
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