Just thought I would share some things.... ^.^

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
So When I found out that I was having another child I started to do some research on products.... I love women but one thing we tend to do is get excited and start swiping the plastic (debt or credit) at you local baby store buying things like strollers, car seats, cribs ect.... But if you haven't bought anything yet I would like to shine on a few thing before.... And if you know of some great products please feel free to tell us!


  • edited January 2011
    First as a mom that is expecting her second child I would like to shine some light on probably one of the most important thing.... A STROLLER
    I looked and looked around trying to find something.... I felt like every time I looked at a tandem stroller, i could just see the near future of torture, hair pulling and banging on the top of the head with a rattle. But the side by side strollers are just to wide for my taste.... But as I did my research I found this amazing product.... its the Baby Jogger City Select....
    A Stroller that starts as a single changes to a double and goes back to a single!!! Awesome idea for a growing family, right? Plus if you turn both seat towards you, the distance between the seats is perfect.... No terrorizing in sight.... And if they happen to reach each other, their arms would have to be super long, you can just turn them opposite ways.... ^.^ Problem solved! ALSO, It is the smallest folding double stroller I have seen, may take one extra step but well worth it....
    But here are some links....


    A stroller that has 16 different combinations (and counting) and accepts any infant carrier spells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G in my mind!
  • I also wanted to spread the word on a website that I never heard of until recently....

    Diapers.com (Also check the sister site Soap.com)

    If you have a baby registry at Babies"R"Us you should be getting the Baby Talk magazine in mail.... each time I receive one there is a 15% off coupon inside....And if you catch what you are looking for on sale, it is a pretty good sale.... Not to mention free 2 day shipping on and order over $49 is pretty cool too
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