@crumbledcookie lol I am for sure ready I'm having bad contractions again I went in to the hospital last night but they aren't strong enough so they sent me home but they are pretty sure I'll have her in the next day or so!!!! So lets hope lol
@abbys_mommy sorry I took forever they induced me cause I had preeclampsia the baby wasn't growing anymore. He is 3wks old already I had him on st patricks day oh and I changed my username from marline.. still rember me?
@STEVENJSALAS_mommy yep lol I remember you!!! And it's ok I'm sure you have been pretty busy with the baby glad to know everything is going good!!! I'm going in to be induced tonight so hopefully sometime Thursday I should be able to finally meet my little girl!!!!
@crumbledcookie yep I had her on the 14th at 11:27pm she was 9lbs 20inches long!!! I so happy she's finally here!!! I had to have a c- section though cuz she was to big for me to have
@abbys_mommy mostly everyone who gets induced has a csection! I think its a way of getting payed more. But anyways ur baby was 9lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg!!! That is a really healthy baby! 20 in long my son was that lenght congrats! I bet u are so happy! What did u name the pretty butterfly ?? (Jealous I wntd a girl so bad)
@STEVENJSALAS-mommy Yeah I had to cuz she was to big and there was something wrong with my uterus ... Haha yep 9lbs exactly lol!!! Her name is Abagail Mae Ann!!!! Maybe next time you will have a girl!! I hope I have a boy next!!
I love that name abagail its very pretty if I have a girl I'm going to name her Angely Michelle how long do u wanna wait before ur baby and I wanted to wait like 3 or 4 yrs but I. Am scared cause I might be pregnt again! Can u believe it ugghhh!! I hope not my baby is only 1month
@abbys_mommy congrats!!!! 9lbs?!?!?! That would've been hell pushing her out lol I love the name you picked out..have you left the hospital yet???
@STEVENJSALAS_mommy so what did you do in order to have sex so soon lol I want it but its starting to hurt now my husband won't even try I hope things turn out the way you want (not being pregnant again) I am determined to have another one by march but i'll have to sneak at it, everyone else wants me to wait a year b4 ttc....what is bane??
@CrumbledCookie actually I didn't do anything I thunk my hormones were acting up or I felt so good not to have a 20 plus pound belly! Lol it hurt really BAD to have sex even though I had a c section I still was given pitocin (a medicine to help induce labor) so I still dilated & closed up! The funny thing was I bled for about 12dys stopped and when I did we have sex (my husband was like "what is wrong with u") my horm. Were really out of control. Anyway about u having another baby hey if u want them close its ur choice! Lol but I think it would be really hard on ur body having just given birth and all plus I've heard if u haven't completly recovered from giving birth u can. Keep ur belly fat on ur 2nd! But if u had a c section I would recomend atleast wait 2 yrs.. remeber if u had a c section ur uterus was sowned back up! But vaginally sure waiting a yr is nnot bad I would say listen to them besides u wannt ur baby to atleast get to be a baby for at least a year and the nine months of pregnancy.
@STEVENJSALAS_mommy guess i'll just have to man up lol I gave birth vanginally and my doc gave me an episiotomy so idk if something is getting torn back open of if its still sore...we were able to have sex one time w/o any pain but ever since then its pretty much a red light action....i would like my kids close in age but my husband doesn't want me on BC so that he can "get me pregnant whenever w/o complications" his words not mine lol
bane was in one ofyour comment from the "april's fool baby" discussion
@crumbledcookie lol yeah 9lbs!!! But I had a c- section so it wasn't bad!!! And yeah I'm home we got to come home Sunday!!!! And thank you I really like the name to!!!
Im 21 this is my first and have lost all my friends too it sucks cause when i need them the most they just ditch me cause i can't party anymore i literally sit at home alone all the time! Id love to have facebook buddies to talk to! Brttnywstn14@yahoo.com add me
@abbys_mommy I know I wanted to wait like 5 lol 10!! I hope not my 6wk check up is coming up soon. @CrumbledCookie ohhh I meant what did u name her? And well just take things slow I mean dnt u want to be unpregnant for a while?? And get back to wearing jeans lol I'm so glad I can wear them again
@STEVENJSALAS_mommy my husband picked at Tempest....i was think Elizabeth but since i picked the boy's name out her got to do the girl....my hsband told me yesterday that Tempest will be graduating from pre-school b4 we have another one, so the choice is no longer mine which is good lol when is your check up...keep me updated
@CrumbledCookie bbut its pretty! How is she doing? Uugghh I wanted a GIRL! I BET UR COMBING HR PRETTY LITTLE HAIR N SHE HAS DRESSES AND STUFF! and my appointment is tomorrow! I will keep u updated. @abbys_mommy wow 4 to 5 hrs! Dang I wish I could just sleep 3 hrs straight id be happy u r soo lucky n my appointment is toomorrow I will get to find out if I'm. Pgnt or not
@crumbledcookie well thank you(: its alright.. I've been a little worried I have had some braxton Hicks for the past two days ): very irritating when I'm trying to get stuff done. plus she needs to bake more si it worries me a little
Haha yep 9lbs exactly lol!!! Her name is Abagail Mae Ann!!!! Maybe next time you will have a girl!!
@STEVENJSALAS_mommy so what did you do in order to have sex so soon lol I want it but its starting to hurt now my husband won't even try
bane was in one ofyour comment from the "april's fool baby" discussion
@CrumbledCookie ohhh I meant what did u name her? And well just take things slow I mean dnt u want to be unpregnant for a while?? And get back to wearing jeans lol I'm so glad I can wear them again
@abbys_mommy how's your first almost 2wks going??
@mrs_wainright are you pregnant now??? if so how far are you?? if not how old are our lil ones
@brttnywstn14 how far along are you??
@abbys_mommy wow 4 to 5 hrs! Dang I wish I could just sleep 3 hrs straight id be happy u r soo lucky n my appointment is toomorrow I will get to find out if I'm. Pgnt or not
@mrs_wainright i love the names you have....how's your pregnancy thus far???
@STEVENJSALAS_mommy i haven't started the dressing up yet, i'm not much of a girly girl and i wanted a boy, still trying to get to having a girl lol
@abbys_mommy Tempest is the same way, i was only losing sleep because i couldn't stop staring at her lol