Is it normal to not be hungry 9 weeks pregnant?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant


  • Of course, I didn't gain any weight til I was 21 weeks ... a lot of times the sudden change of hormones will make your appetite non-existant, especially if I are nauseated then of course you won't be hungry
  • Its normal :) no worries :) i was the same way starting at 8 weeks and I'm still the same way now almost at 15 weeks :) I'm slowly getting out of it but sometimes i just can't eat. Don't worry mamas :) everything is ok :)
  • But in not nauseated no more i was before but not any more I wish felt prego.just to kno im ok but thanks ladies
  • My nausea went away for a bit too but wooo boy did it come back with a vengence hopefully it doesn't happen to you!
  • I barely ate a thing till the 12th week,then I was starving all the time
  • Its perfectly normal....i had the same problem on n off up untill my fourth 26 weeks now n eat like a says baby is healthy
  • Ok great
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