im not a military wife but thought you ladies could relate to me..

edited March 2011 in Military moms
My little brother,Jacob,joined the Marines right after my 1st living child was born..which was a month after our mother passed away so all that together was really hard to deal a nutshell i buried my 1st baby (girl) and my mother in less than a year and then had to deal with my brother going to Afghanistan when my son was 3months old...I am now pregnant with his niece due in July and our older brother is due to have a girl next month...sadly my brother is going out on a ship at the end of march,not only did he miss the 1st year of his neph-neph he has to miss another year of Jadens life and both his nieces!!My son is 2.5 yrs old and has only seen my brother maybe a handfull of times...we are a very close family so this is really bothering me!! He wasnt suposed to leave until late July and only be gone 5-6months..they just told him this week they are done training so they are leaving early and gona be gone 9-11months and may not be on the ship the whole time.sorry to vent here but im just heartbroken at this point!! *God Bless all you strong mommies being without your husbands i pray for their safe returns to their beautiful families*


  • You are an amazingly strong woman :X
  • Does he have access to the internet while he's gone? Me and my partner plan to talk by skype ... If not, can you send him packages? I will be sending my partner lots of those with scan pics, baby books, etc.... Then there's the ebluey...don't know if you're from uk or usa but you could keep him up to date that way... I know it can be hard but your brother is doing a wonderful thing and hopefully ensuring that both your children have a better future and keeping your mum proud... I have brothers too and I would be the same. x
  • and when he eventually comes out of the marines, I bet he will more than make up for time lost... My other half spoils his only nephew rotten when he comes home...takes him out, buys him macdonalds... And little jack loves him, knows exactly who he is... Please do not worry. Jaden will be proud to call him his uncle! :) x
  • Thanks ladies :) i am very proud of him and what hes doing!! I know we sent him packages and got a few phone callls when he was in Afghan..he said hes not sure yet what access he will have on the ship,surely we can send packages tho.i guess we will just wait and see! What really bothers me and my brother as well is that Jaden doesnt really know him,hes scared of him and takes forever to warm up to him when hes around but i have a super cute video of them playing together!! Jacob tought Jaden the dangers of cutting off fingers with his little tool bench and Jaden loved it!! He thought it was so funny :)
    Oh and im am in the U.S :)
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