found out I'm pregnant today and my husband its getting deployed how should I tell him.

edited March 2011 in Military moms
I just found out I was pregnant today (5 weeks) and my husband is getting deployed I want to tell him In a special way I'm expecting any ideas


  • Give him a card saying something along the lines of 'I love my Daddy', inside put a pair of baby socks. Or get a birth announcement. Fill in the name as baby 'your last name', date (put your due date), parents names (yours&his).
  • if I where u n the bit*h I am if day c u when im fat lol then hed say domething sweeeeeeeeeeet cause thats what he does- booties with preg test poking out the top, I dunno have fun n congrats xx
  • Wrap up the positive prego test and put in in a huge box then wrap that up! He'll never guess what it is!
  • I'd get a few baby items plus a pregnancy test, put it in a box, and give it to him. My husband had had a REALLY bad day at work so I told him I "got him a gift" to make him feel better. He was TOTALLY surprised when he opened up the box and it did make his bad day go away! :) The only thing I'd keep in mind is, if this is his first, there might be some additional emotion with the deployment if he's going to be gone around the time of the birth - so be prepared for that. My husband just got back from a year long deployment, and quite a few guys in his unit had babies while they were was hard on them to miss it...but the Army is usually pretty good about getting them home around the time of the birth, especially if you can schedule to be induced. :) Good luck!
  • I wrapped up a book of baby names.and gave it to my hubby. Our baby is the result of coming home from deployment.

    My cousin put a cinnamon bun in the microwave for her husband with a more in the top that said we've got a bun in the oven.
  • I made dinner for my hubby to tell him with our first pregnancy. I told him I was making a theme dinner and I wanted to see if he could guess the theme. I made a baby spinach salad, baby back ribs, glazed baby carrots, and baked baby potatoes. He never guessed so I have him the dessert, a "baby" (single serve) cake with our due date on it. Good luck!
  • With my bf he was playing playstation with his friends when I took the I cleaned it off and walked back into out bedroom and laid it on his pillow and then when on like I didn't do anything so when he walked back here to grab something he saw it a flipped out! He was jumping on the bed and yelled! And I knew he found it when he came in the kitchen and kept kissing me! He carried the test around for the next week showing everyone
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