braxton hicks ???

edited March 2011 in July 2011
has any mommys havinq there bbys in july that r 23 weeks or more preqnant qotten braxton hicks yet ? or am I dha only one ?


  • Im 23 weeks. I've had some. Sometimes if I jump up from laying down to quickly the pain will bring me to my knees. Doc said it normal. Just all my stuff is stretching. Its my first pregnancy.
  • I had one at 23weeks too.. Had one yesterday at 24weeks and 3days!
  • I'm 24 weeks i get them everyday and its a pain
  • I get them like crazy! They are horrible. They wake me up all during the night & I haven't been able to get any sleep. I pray they stop soon so I can rest.
  • im 38 weeks n get them everyday all day all night. ive had a few comtractions here and there already n braxton hicks are nothing in comparisson!
  • I'm 32 weeks and have been getting A LOT of braxton Hicks sine about 17 weeks. I went to the Dr and got.monitored and everything was fine. I still get em like crazy! Drinking lots of water helps them tho :)
  • What do they feel like
  • your stomach gets really tight . there really hard to explain . youll no it wen they start .
  • I'm 26w 4d nd I was getting them last week nd they actually put me in labor. But the doc stopped my real contractions nd I stop dilating too
  • they hury so bad !!! I hate them . im 24 wks today nd iv been havin them for about a week now . on nd off evryday .
  • Im 22 weeks and have been having them since I was about 18 weeks but this is my 2nd pregnancy so I expected it
  • they hury so bad !!! I hate them . im 24 wks today nd iv been havin them for about a week now . on nd off evryday .
  • I've been getting them from 17 weeks this time with baby no 4 and they are very soar :(
  • whoa this helped I'm havin em but no pain just hard lower belly so they're normal:)
  • what exactly does it feel like?????
  • the lower part of your stmch gets walk hard . if your having them walking ariund ahud make them go away nd yuhr back strts to hurt but if the walking doesnt help then there actual contractions .
  • Im 37 weeks and not sure if they are bracton hicks or the baby pushing out. The last time I was at the doctors she felt it and said she felt a soft spot so it wasn't a contraction but they have been happening all day and all night now and I don't think the baby is pushing that often
  • if they hav been on nd off all day there braxton hicks if they ere real cintractions youd probably b at the hospital already .
  • I've had those for couple wks now n I'm 21 wks
  • I'm 24 wks now and have had them a few times....they just feel like cramps to me. Mega annoying. Dr. says it's not unusual for me to feel them so soon since it's my second.
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  • I had a few today and they got me a lil worried cause im 23 wks along byt my doc reassured me that it was completely normal..
  • I have gotten braxton hicks from 6wks., seemed like it anyway, until birth with all four pregnancies, great uterine exercises, he, he. Labor was a breeze without any medication. Going to do home birth this time around.
  • I went in for my 20 week ultrasound and the tech told me I was having braxton hicks
  • mine started around 20weeks. i don't think they hurt but they definitely are annoying and uncomfortable.
  • Kinda feels like a charliehorse in the bottom of my belly! And it gets really hard I get them y asually after.i get home from work in the evening that might just be when I notice it tho! Im 24w
  • @chellirae11 how do you do a home birth excatly ?? i know its probably self explanatory but i guess im just wondering is it the same thing as if you were in the hospital with all the machines and everything ? good luck .
  • I'm 26 wks and get them several times daily
  • Am 26 wks and was in the hopital last wks because of them....this is baby number 4 but dammit I don't remember it hurting to bad before. Feels like a ton of rocks r being pressed and rub again my lower back and around my lower so ready to give birth
  • I'm 27 weeks+2 days. And i think i has a few yesterday. I'm not really sure as this is my first pregnancy. Does ur whole tummy go hard or just the lower part? I'm confused. X
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