csection and pregnant again.. pain

On top of round ligament pain I have sharp pains from scar tissue. I can't always get up with out strategising on best roll or tuck. I'm only about to be 10 weeks and its pretty bad. Anyone else feel like this, will it go away or get worse. Doc jus told me the cause not how long I can go through this. If I will have it every pregnancy after plus new csection scars I don't think I can have anymore babies. I feel like I'm ripping in half at my scar!!


  • I had a c-section about 4 1/2 years ago... I am not having any pain on my scar yet (No belly @ 11weeks) but we will see in a few months... Maybe try massaging the area of the scar. I did this when it was healing (after it closed up) and it seemed to feel better... Have you asked about a VBAC? You wont have a secondary scar and they also told me if they had to do a c-section they could remove the old scar tissue and just the new would form.
  • I'm showing already.. I look like I'm four months so im stretching fast.....I have state insurance so I have docs who suck. I hate them. They r lazy and want me to have csection again doubt they will remove anything. I asked if I could be tied n fixed they sed no I'm to young and will only have two kids. But I have problems with my pregnancies. I have a good reason. Ughh
  • Do you have to stay with that doc or can you call around to others that take state insurance?
  • I'm stuck! There's two in same practice and they both are terrible. I've had them before with real good insurance so its not the fact of state pay. They just need to be taken out of practice. I'm not Tue only one feelin like this that's the sad part
  • how long ago was your first c-section?
  • I had a c section April 16, 2010 with my twin girls & I'm now due again April 21st. I feel pulling all the time.
  • I have the same problem and mine wad in 07.. it burns and pulls alot im only 12wks my dr said it was normal because of all the scar tissue
  • I think that its the scar tissue that is stretching, which will definitely hurt. I had my c-section many years ago, so mines all healed now and it doesn't hurt. I would try tylenol and a warm wash cloth and massage while it's on there. I'm sorry I don't have any other advice to help. :/
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