just found out im 12 wks prego

I never had symptoms and I even lost weight so it didn't cross my mind that I was prego until doc did testing this past week for cysts that I've had since Dec. 2010..turnd out I'm 3 months prego. What do I need to catch up on? did this happened to anyone?


  • Me I havent been checked yet I know I need to but im pretty sure im prego guessing around 11weeks and 5days im setting an appointment this week
  • Wow Congrats!!!!
  • Congrats. I found out when I was 9 wks with no signs and this my third. Be glad you missed typical stuff like morning sickness and Boob soreness. Good luck.
  • yea I have pcos and I don't get my periods really at all so when I didn't get them I just figured okay not coming this time yay lol and then I went in for a pap and she's was like your pregnant and I asked her are u sure lmao. And what u missed is an early ultra sound and blood work and weight gain checking and appointments every 4 weeks 2 make sure the baby is okay. And when u make an appointment more then likely they will give u an ultrasound
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