After my first ultrasound, my doctor gave me a new due date. It went from August 2 to August 17th. What is the most accurate way of deciding your due date?
There is no set due date. The baby will arrive when its ready. my doc told me I'm due aug 16. But I feel like it should be later. Or that it will be later
Mine was Aug 17 according to last menstrual,first u/s put me @ Aug 21 sec one said everything measured according to last cycle which put me back to Aug 17 very confusing .
I have had 4 different due dates...aug 18th, 12th, 21st and now they are set on the 17th...i don't really son was 3 days i don't think it matters..the baby will come when he/she is ready..
I'm due aug 17th! Which is the day after my daddy's birthday, who passed away last january to cancer... I hope its born the 16th, would be a great way to celebrate.
I hope its born the 16th, would be a great way to celebrate.