could it be????

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Omg ok so I've been having lower back pain for the past 3days! I'm at the hospital now, I'm only 28weeks n change.. they got the belt thing around my belly to make sure I'm not having contractions... I feel so irratated right now! I'm here all alone.. tried getting a hold of my babydad and nothing! I hope I'm not going into premature labor! :(


  • Good luck, momma! I'll keep you and baby in my prayers. Hope everything goes okay, keep your head up and stay strong.
  • Calm down sweetie!! No matter what you need to stay calm. If you are having contractions there is a good chance they will be able to stop them and you and baby will be fine. You may be put on bedrest, which if you do, know that its best for you and your baby. Is there anyone else that can be there with you? Your mom, friends, family? You should have someone up there helping you out hun. 8 hope all the best for you and your baby, just try to stay calm hun. *hugs*
  • They can peform a swap that can tell the docs and you if you are a risk for pre term labor. I am sure you will be fine
  • Thank you guys so much! I'm good and so is the baby.. the pain was being caused by an UTI :/ .... me and the baby is doing great tho... just got some antibiotics I gotta take for a week and we'll be good...
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