Vitex....wonder herb???

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I've been ttc for about 5 months with no periods are very irregular as well. I have a 2 year old son so I know I can get pregnant. While looking online I came across an herb called vitrex. It's suppose to be the natural clomid. I've read a lot of very positive reviews for this herb...just wondering if anyone has tried this herb and has anyone had any success?


  • This is the first time i have heard of vitex. I hope someone posts something about it. We r ttc also.
  • It messed up my cycles and didn't help ttc. Try geritol that worked for me in a months time after a year of ttc.
  • It's said to be better for people who don't ovulate...that's me. Haven't had af this year yet.
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