31 ...preggo with child #3..i have 2 girls now..ages 14 and 11....hoping for a girl...but they want a boy.... my BD has an 18yr old son and two girls ages 11 and 9..... at first he wanted a girl...now he's changed his mind... . Im currently 8w1d due 10/21 3 days after my 32nd bday...
@grnfish73 dont feel old... i will grey with ya....:)
@grnfish73 I am due the 4th. I got a BEST test done and an u/s done at place where they do it for high risk pregnancies to check for birth defects. They both came back perfect so that's good enough for me so I'm not having an amniocentesis. Plus I have a healthy 2 & 1year old so everything seems to be working OK yet. Lol
@grnfish73 dont feel old... i will grey with ya....:)