My 5 year old son has a dead beat and he has a very controlling fiance! He never asks how he's doing and I put him on my phone plan then all of a sudden 2day he calls well my son is like "I don't wanna talk 2 him" he has his trailer trash fiance talk 2 Ayden which I didn't like... I always wanted him 2 contact him but now I feel weird cuz she's in control of EVERYTHING.. was curious if ne one else had same situation or what would u do about it?? God pisses me off cuz he told me I brain washed my son saying this was his baby but Ayden forgot it wasnt... how would u girls deal with a guy like this btw he wasn't in his life 5 years came in outta blue and I drove to az so he could meet him he used me and we slept together then once got back with his girlfriend he was a dick to me... he pays no child support and has 2 kids with her says he's a great dad to them well what bout Ayden, he was here first!!?