My Parents

edited March 2011 in Daddy's place
Ever since they found out my girlfriend is pregnant they treat her really bad. They say things behind her back and to her face like " its not his baby" or "you should get an abortion". They even try to blame my sister because shes my girlfriends role model and shes pregnant also. She says it doesn't bother her but I can tell that shes really hurting on the inside. I've tried talking to them but they just say I'm to young to understand. I hate having to put her through this. I'm starting to feel like a bad boyfriend. Any advice?


  • edited March 2011
    How old are you? Sounds like maybe you could all do with some space. I don't know what to say as people of their age should know better than to talk ill of people especially when pregnant, Sounds like they need to grow up a bit and accept you all for your decisions, maybe they need telling! good luck, and the best thing you can do is to be super nice to your girlfriend to make up for the mean parents! :)
  • I'm 17. I try being super nice but it doesn't seem like enough
  • Im 17 and pregnant also. My boyfriend is 18 and sticking with me too(: his family was just like that with me at first too. But after I started getting bigger, and its getting closer to june 27th, my due date, all softened up and everyone can't wait now. Ur parents are just mad at the situation, not her or you. They may be disappointed yeah, but they still love the both of you. My dad said some pretty hurtful things to me and my boyfriend once he found out I was pregnant. Told me to have an abortion as well and told my bf that he was gonna beat the sh*t out of jim once he got the chance. My dad doesn't live where I do, so he never did anything. But its a hard situation to go thru, and you just gotta pray and push thru it(:
  • @junemomma1 thanks that makes me feel better
  • I suggest tough love... there's no excuse for acting so immature, no matter how angry they are. I'm a little older & could never imagine speaking to my kids like that. To imply that its not yours is just trash & just plain rude. I would get a little tougher standing up for & defetnding your girl & tell them to knock it off for good... your girl is going through enough & doesn't need that, too... my hubby's mother was very mean about me behind my back after our first was born because I didn't do everything her way, and when he saw how it upset me, he put her in her place & I really appreciated it... I love that man with all my heart! Your girl definitely deserves for you to stand up for her as well. Good luck! :)
  • @vette_devil I'll try being tougher when I talk to them next time
  • Me(18) &&my boyfriend(20) are new to the pregnancy thing too. My parents were upset at first, now the are extatic. I have a step dad who isn't as happy as my mom but still happy, my dad called me a whore n I was a screw up.. he isn't so happy. But that's my own father, I'm his only daughter. My bf has never met him but took the phone from me one night, called him and let him have it bout sayin those things to me. Now my bfs parents rnt thrilled at all, his dad kicked him out bc he says he don't want any babies around, and his mom wasn't happy but I get text and calls askin how things with the baby are. All I can say is give them time n they will warm up to the fact u guys r starting a family of ur own, u needa tell them how u feel bout it all, n talk n I hope they change, for both y'alls sake, she can b stressin like that. Good luck.
  • I got pregnany when I was 18. We both where. My parents kicked me out of the house but they didnt do it spitefully. They did it to teach my bf some responsability and he did take care of us. His parents where a different story well his dad and his brother. The constantly called him an idiot told him we where gonna starve to death that I should move back to my country with my baby and leave them alone and a bunch of crap. We both busted our behinds working till we moved out only took us a month. And now his father is obsessed with our son and is surprised at how well we are. We have our own and dont need them for nothing. 3 yrs later and he regrets all the things he said. Because I turned out to be good for his son. You just need to prove ur parents wrong but also ur gf. Dont be lazy clean up never give them a reason to talk crap n they will eat their words. Trust me. Good luck 2 u.
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