5weeks pregnant but not telling anyone yet so I would love to talk to other mommies to be!



  • im 5 weeks and 2 days... im not telling unitl its necessary... just a lot to deal with
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  • I am hoping to wait till im showing some and then surprise my family. we dont live in the same state so its a little easier. its really hard to not tell friends. good luck on keeping it in!
  • Preggers, believe it or not we are same due date!! Congratulation, girl. I'm hoping a girl!
  • I'm 4wks 5 days..I told my close friends..but my appt is on the 11th..so we r waiting til then to tell family and such...I'm sooo excited
  • @thebubblegum that's awesome...my husbands is already calling it junior so I'm guessing he wants a boy haha
  • My due date is Sept 21. So I'm 7wks 1day. We r waiting til after my first US at 12weeks to tell everyone but my mom best friend and cousin kno as well as brother in law...let's see if they keep secrets!
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