night two in hospital :(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Suffered really un bareable pain under my right shoulder blade and chest. I have to wait until tomorrow for a scan as they feel it could be a clot on the lung. Apparently this is common in pregnancy? First time I've heard of this. I'm having injections in my stomach to thinnen my blood incase it is. I'm 36 weeks tomorrow. Anyone else suffered from this?


  • Lots of prayers to you hun. The shots suck. They have you on lovenox or heprin? I had a clot 9 months ago in my lung and then found out I was pregnant and have been on blood thinners since. And after the baby I will be put on coumadin. Its not fun but it keeps ya from having another clot and dying. They will scan you then usually 4 days later they will scan again to make sure that the clot is dissolving like it should. Hope all comes out ok. Keep us informed. And any questions ask.
  • I'm so sorry. Thank God you are almost full term though. I'm praying for you guys
  • Thanks girls :) I'm not sure what one it is, all I know is it hurts. Lol. Im just waiting now to go for a scan. I will let you know how it goes. :)
  • I am on blood thinners for life. I have Lupus. My blood is too thick. It sucks, but if not I will die :( hang in there, it'll be over soon :)
  • @XHayleyx22 omg I am sorry! A clot in the lung?! And sorry I can't help it is the first time I hear about it too. I hope you get better I know what its like to be at the hospital ugh :(
  • @MrsDelRae I'm sorry to hear that :( I shouldn't moan when your on them for life. I feel so bad. @marline I know I didn't hear about it until now. Thanks :)
  • Oh, don't feel bad. Just saying I understand the feeling. It sucks big time. But, know you have people who understand. Big hugs!
  • Its common to have a blood clot when pregnant due to increase of blood volume. Usually we get them after the baby is born tho when our body is trying to get rid of all that extra blood. Its a scary thing to go through. @MrsDelRae. What are you taking after the baby is here? I go back on coumadin and stay on it for 6 months and then they will see if it was just a clot or if I have a blood disorder. I feel safer on my blood thinner so I think I just wanna stay on it. Lol.
  • I have been& still am on Warfarin Sodium. I take 4.5mg a day. I have to switch to Lovenox shots in the last 8wks though. Normally pregnant women would be on Lovenox the entire time, but since I am on such a low dosage of Warfarin, I am safe to stay on it. I could stay on it without changing it, but for delivery if I end up wanting an epidural or needing a c-section again the shot gets out of your system faster than a pill does. Epidurals aren't safe to get if you've taken your blood thinners less than 24hrs beforehand unfortunately. So even though my first 3 kids I did naturally without pain meds (my 3rd was a homebirth) my 4th was an emergency c-section due H1N1 that turned intp pneumonia. I ended up needing blood transfusions due to being severely anemic. They said I contracted Lupus thru the transfusions, so since then (now 19mos ago) I have been on blood thinners. I was on Heparin shots, but they causing huge black welts in the injection site, I was in the hospital still at that time, but they said my reaction to them was unnormal, so I had to be taken off of them. Apparently bruises&small welts are normal, but I was messed up. It sucks, my life has dramatically changed, but I have slowly adapted to it. I know its hard, but you can do it. :)
  • @MrsDelRae. I was put on coumadin after they found the clot and ended up pregnant a month later so doc switched me over to lovenox. Yeah it leaves little bruises and burns like crazy when I take the injections. Kind of nervous since I'm getting towards the end of my pregnancy and they are switching me over to heprin. I here ya abt life changing dramatically. Its all so scary but its just another bump in the road that I will over come. Glad to see that I'm not the only person that worries about this stuff.
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