crazy thing that happened
So apparently I've caught a cold..... fever body chills coughing. So add that to the constant nausea today was a great morning. Plus I worked at 4 am which went over well with losing the hr of sleep anyways.... I get to the nursing home to draw the patients blood *I'm a phlebotomist* there was two patients to get blood work from. Then two urine to grab I get back to the hospital to put the specimens In The comp then I grab the urine to put stickers on the one urine was disgusting. So I threw up in my mouth, debated should I finish in the garbage next to me or can I make it to the bathroom. I made it to bathroom while I'm throwing up my underware gets alittle wet so I'm all confused but keep throwing up. Then it gets really wet between my legs. I finally stop looked down I PISSED MY PANTS!!!!!! UGH so they sent me home for being sick, horrible day. I tell my mom and I'm Like isn't it too early she said no there's so many hormones your body is confused .... welcome to motherhood. I had to wrap my underware with toilet paper and find a manager.
I am so sorry.