Im 37 weeks.preg.. Soon 38weeks.on.tueday. Am wonder if it normal dischagre of greenish and now it like more wet but not.alot like small.pond.. On my underwear.. I know ask
Sounds like you should contact your doctor right away, green could be meconium which is bad for baby, and they say if you have a "gush of fluid" to call in, doesn't sound like that's quite what happened but better safe than sorry, I would call now...
Yeah I would definately call, green discharge isn't normal anyway so whether its meconium or not seems odd to me...let me know how everything turns out...take care
If you also have a burning sensation its definely meconium. I would get a rush appointment tomorrow. My son swam in his for almost two weeks and at delivery they pumped 9cc's out of his lungs and he still had problems for a week with his lungs. You are safe to deliver now but meconium is lethal so call ur dr now! Good luck repost and let us know how it goes. My prayers are with you for a safe delivery. My daughter had 1 poop and was fine. My water broke w my son and it was clumpy and green. Dark green or not any other color than white clear or yellow is a reason to go to your dr.