My poor hubby was sended for cebiche late at night cebiche is too hard to find ...i know he love me now that my hormones are a little. Quiet i feel guilty lol
@keylanieq I've never even heard of that. I asked my fiance what cebiche Is and he said we don't even have that here.... I don't feel guilty at all and he just laughs at me!
@guettobetty im from Panamá and the cebiche is a delicious fish with vinager is spice. And a lot of onion. Is so good for the sexual mood hahaha and the pregnat women love it is a little sour and spice Omg is too late for one right now L-)
Blah I still eat lunch meat and Dippy eggs always have this is my 3rd. I might have to try it... not a big seafood fan though my fiance is! I have family in Panama need to go visit soon. Tired of Ohio cold!
@mommyAgain i had cebiche before and almost my whole life and i never had any problem, maybe is the way they make it. @ghettobetty yes you should come panamá is really fun and beautiful these days, im just a little sad because i have to move to illinois soon maybe next mont or so because my husband is there for a job. i will miss panamanian food sooo much :-((
@keylanieq definitely going to make a trip down I'm about to be huge and it will be a nice get away. Too bad your coming up this way I'm so over the cold it just snowed last week! My cousins wife also works at a nicu at a hospital in Panama.