i feel dehydrated

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 34 weeks or as this ap says in week 35 I have the flu plus back n feet are killing me I feel like I'm so thirsty I drank 3 things of water and feel like I'm full on water that I will throw up if I drink another drink but still feel dehydrated like my mouth is so dry what do I do


  • u should have a drink fulll of electrolytes our ge2 those hydrolite kids ice blocks from chemist
  • Instead of water, try Gatorade or Pedialyte. It replaces the electrolytes you are losing through being dehydrated. Try to go with a "soft" flavor like Blueberry instead of a citrus flavor.
  • Thanks ill try it also I have been having some white stuff leaking. Been the passed few days but now I have more
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