wayy too much info

edited March 2011 in Health
Ok so I got a yeast. Infection last week my doctor gave me a perscription for a cream for the external area and one for internal anyway I guess I got alergic to it bc my whole vagina and clitoris got compltly white! I know its kinda gross but has it happened to anyone? Please help


  • U should talk to ur dr..i havent heard that before
  • I did she just changed my cream she wasn't much help :(
  • I would talk to your doc. I am alergic to all creams and have to use difulcan.
  • @annm are you alergic to anything else? I have never had any allergies so I dnt know if its a side effect or a allergic reaction
  • Not allergic to anything else. My reaction was bad. The creams burned me like chemical burns but healed fast once I realized what was up. Hope its not the same for you.
  • @annm thanks I hope its not either.
  • I have a dumb question what's a yeast infection?
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  • edited March 2011
    A yeast infection is when your body produces to much yeast and your disharge will be white and sort of creamy.. you produce a lot of it more than normal and you get really itchy its a normal thing everyone gets them @itsaGIRL
  • @itsaGIRL yeah they r so uncomfortable sorry I took so long to answer I had my son on st patricks day well it went away right after I gave birth :)
  • I don't think I've ever had one......but if I do ever get one ill know what it is now n won't be scared. Figured maybe id had one before I'm 19 n pregnant with second. Guess everyone's diff. Or maybe I didn't have one that was bad enough to notice lol idk I'm so confused
  • @itsaGIRL Lol hey well consider urself real lucky :D if I were u id start playing the lotto lol
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