stupid question w glucose testing

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am 27 weeks and im scheduled for the glucose blood test screening and i have the script but im not sure where i go to get it done at?? The hospital or like a lab?? Stupid question probably but im confused lol


  • The lab... they will give u the drink n take ur blood in an hr
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  • Okay, and yeah i cant do it at my office my insurance doesnt allow it. So okay i will call then the lab thank u!
  • I went to my regular appointment and they sent me to the lab where I drank the stuff, did my appointment, and they drew my blood after. You can always call and see what they say
  • When u call the lab ask them if u can eat or drink past midnight.
  • Yea definitely the lab.. because u gotta get like 4 tubes of blood taken an hour after u drink that nasty stuff lol...
  • My doctors do them but that's because the people that do blood work actually work for the lab company.
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