
edited January 2011 in Health
I am 36 weeks pregnant, I've had heartburn since about 15 weeks...but lately its non stop I've tried milk,bread,tums, an my husbands aunt suggested mint gum...it seems nothing works


  • my friend told me that chemart has a tablet that works but.agee didn't know the name, n I don't know if u have chemart chemists
  • Oh my...don't eat or crew anything with mint that makes it worse. Try some peanut butter if your not allergic to peanuts. It definitely helps to coat the throat. I've been told apple cider vinegar works but I have yet to try it because the peanut butter has been helping me. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Malox is the only thing that really workds for me. The berry kind is the best flavor.
  • omg!!! I just started getting it on adaily basis the last two weeks or so, Im 31 weeks prego n the only thing that relieves it is milk, but that doesn't last very long. I cnt even sleep lying down! I have to prop myself up for bedtime :\
  • I started having heartburn last night. I bought Tums Smoothies, not quite as chalky. They've worked for me so far.
  • Minty gum helped me with heartburn.. (:
  • Yep, tums smoothies works for me too, speaking of which Im due for one
  • Yeah I love extra spicy food n yesterday I went to taco del mar, had them put the spiciest sauce and then added my own on top of it..which still wasn't as spicy as I like..but gave me such bad heartburn I couldn't eat half..the bf didn't mind though..lol he got to finish it...I never had heartburn like I'm gettin now..I'm 21wks
  • I usually put peanutbutter on my bread... it helped for a while along w the milk I take the tums smoothies too they all seem to only last for an hour then stop working. I wish my heartburn was only when I was layin down! Mine is whenever where ever I swear my daughter better b hairy like chewbaka (sp)!
  • Laying down actually makes it worse.
    And I had it so bad with my first, I would puke from it. It was horrible. Annnd my son came out with ALOT of hair on his head!! He even had a hair trail down his back to his little butt. :)
    Your OB can prescribe something for your heartburn or he can just tell you certain medicines that you can buy to help or at home ways to help it.
  • My heartburn is horrible either way I could be standing up n it still makes my ears burn. He told me to try pepsid but its so expensive
  • I am only 6wks along and no matter what I have been eating I have heartburn or integestion. And this is ony the beginning...Yuck!
  • Be careful with tums my friend when she was pregnant she ate so many tums it ate away at her gulbladder ( spell check ) and she turned yellow! !!!
  • U should go to ur doctor u might hv a thing called gastritis I got on my first pregnancy now it's coming back in diz pregnancy.....u get it when u wait too long to eat so check it dat might b it
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