Wow its been awhile since I've been on here...my lil girl was born May 12th @9:50pm weighing 7lbs 9.6oz an 19inches long. Shes is so advanced for her age...she isn't even 3 months old yet and already rollin from her belly to her back and from her back to her belly! 

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- mommy2b2011
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mommy2b2011Wow its been awhile since I've been on here...my lil girl was born May 12th @9:50pm weighing 7lbs 9.6oz an 19inches long. Shes is so advanced for her age...she isn't even 3 months old yet and already rollin from her belly to her back and from her back to her belly!July 2011
mommy2b2011At the hospital waiting for my daughter to come out...I'm about 4cm dilated and my doctor broke my water...everyone pray for my lil girl, her heart rate keeps dropping.May 2011
PumpkinCupcake0307Hey I hope everything is okay I was looking at the may ddc and seen we were both due may 10th you havent updated.. I hope everything went okay!
mommy2b2011Yeah I've been extremely busy with the baby an moving...were both doing very well. I ended up having my daughter may 12th. She was born at 9:50pm weighing 7lbs 9.6oz an 19inch long :)
mommy2b2011Ok Tuesday is almost her (my babys dd) and there's no sign of her coming out! Non stress test on Tuesday...hoping things go well...May 2011
mommy2b20114 days until my lil girls due date! Just wondering if she's gonna be stubborn and wait til after her dd...that would suck!May 2011
mommy2b2011Im hoping to meet my lil girl before her due date (05/10/11)...tired of being in pain!April 2011
mrsrocketfield1221ahhh youve got a watermelon in your picture... WOOHOO!! lol GOOD LUCK ;) (saw your count down and LOVED seeing a watermelon for once... so fun. looking fwd to ur baby birth post!)
mommy2b2011Can't wait til April 13th when I have my next ultrasound...I love seeing my lil girl...May 10th (her due date) can't come soon enough!March 2011
mommy2b2011Doc appt went ok...my lil girls fine, only thing is my blood pressure is higher than normal...March 2011
mommy2b2011Check-up later today...heading to bed so I can try and catch some zZzZzZzZz...March 2011
mommy2b2011found out today that my lil girl is about 2lbs 7oz and doing well...oh and shes a lil drama queen already lol =]February 2011
mommy2b2011Getting ready to go have my ultrasound...can't wait to see my lil girl, I couldn't ask for anything more amazing on Vday!February 2011
mommy2b2011Can't wait til February 14th to see how my lil girl is doing
she's definitely a active lil baby doing jumping jacks in my belly!
January 2011 -