Thanks ladies I feel a.littlw better but i don't think at ease until i reach each mile.stone... i.e. 13weeks 20weeks 30weeks birth!! Gah!!!! My heart hurts and is confused. I dont wanna give up.but idk if i can take another death so soon. It may break me.
Mine just turned one and I still sneak in to make sure he's breathing. ;-) That's just what we do as mamas. I know your heart still hurts, but nothing can break you - you are a mommy of steel! Prayers!
With Riley I had scans at 6 weeks 5 days and she said I looked 5 days off (saying he was small and measuring at 6 weeks exactly) then at 8 weeks 4 days and she said he was 3-4 days small and by 12 weeks when I was officially dated he was only a day smaller than by my dates. I know it's hard after all you have been through honey but try not to stress - heartbeat was good and it isn't healthy for you or the baby! Big hugs x
It will be okay that happened to me and I have healthy baby girl. I will be praying for you. Try not to stress and enjoy your holidays the best you can. Update after you're next check up maybe it will change.
i pray its nothing! And i pray that your baby is a health bouncing girl! ((hugs)) Btw i got an interal one at 10week and it was on an air force base. So idk why they didnt do an internal one for you.
I hope everything is ok. Keeping you in my thoughts and saying a prayer. I hope your baby stays put. Baby you need to stay with mommy, she needs you to stay put and be healthy.
I feel a.littlw better but i don't think at ease until i reach each mile.stone... i.e. 13weeks 20weeks 30weeks birth!! Gah!!!! My heart hurts and is confused. I dont wanna give up.but idk if i can take another death so soon. It may break me.
@captivated mt baby was a blob. Ill post a pic
Yes i am
******healthy sticky baby dust!!!!*****
Baby you need to stay with mommy, she needs you to stay put and be healthy.