Sept. Babies!!!

So where are all the sept baby mommas from lol... I'm due on sept 18 according to this app... I have my first appointment on feb 3rd I'm super excited!!! I'm from san marcos texas and attend tx state... Not too excited about being pregnant and walk around campus all day... Well share how your pregnancy with me me ladies


  • I am 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant.....confirmed by an ultrasound 2 weeks ago....due on Sept. 17th......I live in a very cold state of MI......currently a stay at home mom due to a surgery in August on my Neck....Have 2 boys ages 8.5 and 10 years old......wanting a girl this time and super excited and thrilled to start the baby days all over again...My first OBGYN appointment is Wednesday and I cannot family doctor did my ultrasound ......heart was beatting 2 weeks ago could see it but not hear it..... taking over the counter prenatel vits to stay healthy and drinking tons of water
  • Im 5 weeks and one day:) im due September 25th. I go friday to the dr! Im pretty excited!! This is my first child so its a big deal for me! I just turned 20 lol crazy! But I live in mobile alabama and I work at my in laws store. My man can't wait for the baby to get here:) nor can I!!
  • 5 weeks is early and maybe if an ultrasound gets done you might see a heart beat or maybe a yolk sac not much more......they are so tiny at this age.....Good luck and I hope things go well being preggo with the first one was nerve racking........this is my 3rd.....
  • I'm 6 weeks and 1 day. I am due September 18. My Dr. Appt is next week on the 2nd. I live in Miramar, Fl ..I have a 6 1/2 year old son. This was a planned pregnancy I'm praying for a girl... : )
  • I'm due sept 26th this is my second baby have a 3 year old lil bay hoping for a girl this time! I live in lemoore Ca getting ready to move to Virginia Beach Va 34 days left in cali congrats to all the new mommies! :X
  • According to this.. I'm due Sept. 8 :) I'm a first time Mom too. We don't wanna tell anyone for a few more weeks so I'm glad I can finally tell someone!
  • I'm due 8th aswel . First bubby ! I'm from Australia .
  • According to this site I am due sept 24th. Currently my husband is stationed at Fort Bragg North Carolina but we are also from Michigan.
  • I'm due Sep 18 first Lil bundle of Joy I attend college in Atlanta but I'm from Illinois B-)
  • 5 weeks is early but everyone hits 5 weeks in their pregnancy:) lol im still excited regardless:)
  • I'm due sept 21st. I'm having my first baby and I'm so grateful to have the support of my family and boyfriends family. (soon to be my in laws!) I LOVE this forum because I get a lot of information from everyone who posts their experiences.
  • I'm 19 years old and 7 weeks 1 day with my first and my husband's 4th. I've been telling my parents and family that the baby wasn't planned, but it is ;) Everyone is super excited for us. We live by Seattle. I'm due September 12th.
  • Im due sept 17th. Have lil boy whos 3 and im from uk. Dont mind what I have just aslong as its healthy. :-)
  • I'm due September 16th so excited this will be my first born, I'm from the cold snowy state of Massachusetts. my first ultra sound is Friday I hope i see my little bean and hear a heart beat
  • Hey guys!
    This is my first pregnancy. V excited! I'm from edinburgh and I'm 24. According to this app I'm due 18th september. Can't wait for my first scan. So undecided to find out the sex. Help!
  • I found out sex with my son and this time around I want it to be a suprise but the bf wants to find out. I will get my way in the end tho lol
  • I havent had a scan yet but by my estimates i am in my eighth week and due around the 12th.. cant wait
  • Haha, if u nag enough they always give in :) how different do you feel now compared to your last pregnancy when u knew you were going to find out the sex?
  • I'm five weeks today. Just found out yesterday (3 positive tests), and I'm going to the doctors today. According to this, I'm due September 27th. It'll be my first, so I'm nervous! I hope all goes well. I'm from Springfield, MA. Not sure whether I want blue or pink yet. As long as baby is healthy, mommy is happy.
  • I am due Sept 15. And I live in Va. When I deliver my other kids will be 8,6,4. A boy and two girls. Hoping for a boy this time!
  • I am also due Sept 15 , i am so happy since my birthday is the 14..
  • According to my doctor im due September 7th XD
  • Hi everyone. According to this app I'm due September 27th. My doctors appt is Feb 3rd. I already have a 4 year old son. I'm excited, but anxious and nervous at the same time. I just don't want anything to go wrong.
  • From Michigan here 6weeks 6days(due Sept.22) pregnant with my 5th have 4 wonderful girls already(10,9,8 & 9months) so wishing for a boy but happy as long as baby is healthy either way. Plus I don't think I would know what to do with a boy, lol jk :) husband is out numbered so fingers crossed. So excited for this baby he/she is our miracle baby! :)
  • congrats everyone!!! I am due Sept 28 but my 1st appt isnt till feb 4th. I can not wait, its going to be a long 9 months.
  • Congratulations!!! This is so exciting. I'm pregnant with my first and due Sept 18. However my first doctor appointment isn't until Feb 16. I'm jealous of you lady's that are sooner. I am so sick though I'm not excited for the next 8 weeks. I'm praying I start feeling better before my second trimester.
  • Due September 25 I'm 5weeks 3days everybody keeps saying I'm going have girl I want girl but know What to expect from boy LOL
  • due sept 28 with my first!!! 5 weeks today I ts going to be a long 35 more, but so exciting and worth it.
  • I am due 9-10-11. My youngest is 11. Excited and scared to start over
  • According to this app I am due sept 28! not planned, but super excited! We have 1 little boy who is almost 9 months.
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