What's your biggest pet peeve?



  • Also, punctuation. It can save a life. It's the difference between "Lets eat Grandpa", and "Let's eat, Grandpa". Sometimes I don't understand what a status or post says because they didn't use a single period or comma in their 200 words. I know in this day and age that stuff isn't important to a lot of people though, so I guess it's ok. :)
  • People texting while driving!!!!!!
  • @fate I can understand that on alot of occasions but some things can pass like the example you made. :) I'm refering to grammar.
  • It wouldn't be my pet peeve if I let puncuation pass. LOL. :P
  • Poor grammar/usage and intentionally misspelling words, typing lIkE tHiS, using a zero '0' in place of an 'o'. And other related things.

    Poor hygiene. Eww!

    Crusty feet. Do people not care? Lotion, pumice, don't walk outside barefoot.

    Incessantly sniffling, clearing throat, chomping gum, chewing with mouth open, talking with mouth full, scraping your plate, mouth noises. I have a lot (please people, this is two separate words!) of pet peeves. Also, each other is two separate words too. Supposably is NOT a word. Supposedly is. It is I saw, not I seen. Okay, I swear I am done.
  • I HATE HATE HATE when anyone shows up at my house unannounced. It seriously bugs me more than anything else I can possibly think of. Not a neat freak at all but I would at least like to clean up a little if I know someone is coming over. Two kids a husband a cat and two labs lol in an all tile house. Plus, what if I want to stay in my PJs till noon? Lol
  • @luvmy5 that supposably one gets me! I can't stand it, and I will put right correct someone when they say it.
  • @amb2486 AGREED! I do stay in my yoga pants all day! I am a SAHM and most days we don't go anywhere other than the back yard...so comfy clothes are a must! Plus like you I like to make sure the house is picked up before guests come over!
  • @ashley_smashley Lol! I sound like a jerk, but I REALLY love the English language and go batshit crazy if people are too ignorant to be correct.
  • That idiotic driver that thinks your buffer zone between you in the car in front of you, while doing 65 mph, is meant for them to squeeze in. Ugh, idiot!
  • People that spend a good five minutes trying to fit in to a parking spot they know is to small for they're cars.
  • @mijita I have had a d@@ass woman cut out onto the freeway when the car in front of her stopped bc there was not enough room. I was in am semi and almost turned her and her kids into pancakes. It would have been hard to live with but I had the guy in front of her shaking his head as he watched. I was praying the b stopped bc I was going to get out and beat the hell out of her. Thats y they don't let us carry guns in trucks (most states anyway) actually ohio does.
  • People who say "I seen" instead of "I saw", people who smack gum and pop it every two seconds, and just my mother in law in general.

    @fate lmbo have you seen a lot of people playing musical instruments while driving? And your punctuation example made me laugh
  • @MichelleBelle I travel a lot, and I have seen it happen many, many times. Lol. Especially in Detroit, Michigan. The safest incident being the trumpet (he still had one hand on the steering wheel). The most dangerous being the guitar, and driving with his knees.

    I have many punctuation examples, but that one is my favorite. Lol.
  • Ooooh I REALLY hate when people say AX instead of ASK!!!!!!
  • People who think their shit don't stink, or think they are the most perfect parent and don't make mistakes!
  • @Proudmother1009 That is very irritating..
  • edited December 2012
    @addrianna your number one is mine too!!!! i mean i mostly always look like ish but not my babies !! they r clean, well fed, and well dressed ! grr these women walk around all dressed up and their kids all snotty smh

    when the toilet seat is up!

    when the dirty clothes are thrown in the rr!!

    loud smacking talking with your mouth full!!!

    when the bed i didnt do the bed before i got up so when i go to bed its not done ughhh
  • Sharing gloves.. I don't know where ur hands have been!

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