Anyone have advice ?

I seriously feel like I'm in a horrible depression. Sometimes i feel awesome and I'm full of energy but other days i really don't want to get out of bed and i force myself too for Lana's sake. I know its because I'm lonely constantly. Andy works 12 hours each day, so I'm alone all day long with my daughter. Which I don't mind but when he is home he's constantly talking about work or texting someone at work or were arguing. I can't manage to keep my house straightened up or even unpack because either my daughter or my bf is right behind me messing it up. My daughter don't like to play in her pack and play but when she's in there I'm already exhausted from cleaning and cooking. I'm happy he has a job that he likes but he needs to show me attention too.. when i tell him he just gets mad. Ugh. I really don't know what's going on with me but i feel so emotional lately and i really want to just hang out with him and do family things but I'm stuck at home all day long. I go to my parents house sometimes but its not really where i want to be. I just want to be with him but i can't because he's constantly working. Its seriously putting me in a depression and i refuse to take depression pills is there any other thing to make me happy?? My daughter makes me really happy but i want to make her more happy and do fun things outside of our house as a family with her. We didn't do anything this Christmas we barely bought presents because his job don't give us time. I'm just really upset. Anyone have advice without me taking pills?


  • Can you try just getting out with her, maybe just a short walk or walk around the mall, I'm alone all the time my husband is gone for 2 weeks at a time I find just getting outside even for only a few minutes feels better
  • I feel very similar... my husband works 12 hour days and I am alone with Jax all day without a car. I started taking Jax to a plaudate thing on Thursdays and his great grandma takes him once a week for about four hours and my in laws take him once a weekend over night so me and alex have some alone time.... its the only thing that serms to hrlp me get a break
  • Sunshine actually helps stimulate hormones that fight depression. Also exercising. My husband is a workaholic too. It sucks because I have 6 little ones & 2 roudy teens to deal with... I can def understand where you're coming from! Have you tried following a daily routine where you can get the cleaning done while the little one naps? I hope things turn around for you soon.
  • @babyinblack682 i wish! That's also what i want but he leaves so early for work and comes home so late were stuck without a car all day and its too cold to take her outside. we don't live too close to anything walking distance either :( two weeks is a long time i feel horrible complaining about 12 hours i can't imagine,what your going through.

    @maymommy2011 i don't have a car either. He takes it to work and he works way across town :( i want to let people watch her but she refuses she won't let me drop her off and when i do she just cries and cries until i pick her up. She's not even the problem tho. I love spending time with her i just can't look at my walls anymore lol and i want to go out and not do the same old thing everyday. I hope things get better for the both of us!

    @wilsomom your completely right! Sunshine automatically lifts my mood, but only for a little while. I exercise constantly i like don't stop moving all day. I try to get cleaning done but she wakes up when i get off the bed and wakes up when she don't see me there. I don't even want to imagine how you do it. Your truly a hero to me! I give you major props!! :) and thank you.
  • Sounds like cabin fever! I hats being stuck in the house it drives me bonkers!
  • @Maymommy2011 i agree! I need to get out somehow lol
  • I get really bad depression (I have for years) and honestly just removing clutter from your living area could help you. Is there anyone who can come over to watch your daughter while you clean? Lilium is a mamaholic as well and Hubby works 12+ hours a day so I know the feeling. My mom does this for me once a month ( used to be once a week or once every two weeks) she will come over so I can deep clean (dust, bleach the kitchen floor, scrub the bath tub, ect.) Or any other chores. Now that Lilium is almost two and can "help" it has gotten a lot easier to keep things clean.

    Also take ten- fifteen minutes a day for you time, doesn't sound like much but it will help. After Hubby comes home and relaxes a bit read a chapter of a book, do a puzzle (cross word, word search, anything to keep your mind active) or give yourself a facial one small thing a day should help improve your mood.
  • Or your in house sitter could watch baby while you two watch a movie or favorite show.
  • When Marquis gets work his either busy all week day to night or gone out of town for week and I get that way sometimes just feel lonely I just learned to keep busy with hobbies and going on runs or walks with my daughter or take her to the park and I have zoo membership so that's fun to just walk around. And I also save all my errands for when his done just to keep myself busy having task that I have to complete during the day helps. And he likes to talk about work too or do his own thing on the computer what helps me is while his gone I try to plan and shop for nice big dinner for him then have it ready for day he gets back then he can just relax and we get to spend time together. Plus he ends up being so happy I can get him to watch movie or play game. Just suggestions for you maybe u can try some of those things.
  • @mathair thank you for all your suggestions. I been calling my parents over ever since i moved in but they say they'll be there in "an hour" but they really show up around 12am and I'm already tired. I feel so much better when my house is clutter free. I need to get on that.

    @jules those are great ideas but really hard to do without a car.
  • As an alternative, since taking Lo outside isn't much of an option, you can take Vitamin D. It's what we get from the sunlight. Hubby and I have started taking it recently, winter is hell on our moods and its really been making a difference.
  • @pineapple07 that's a great idea. Is it okay to take during pregnancy? (Not pregnant yet i have a major feeling I'm going to be soon tho lol )
  • It's very important before during and after pregnancy ;) thought I'd answer wasn't sure if she was up
  • Well try just going out of the house for walks to the park maybe.
  • @Bahamamama4828 thank you :)

    @jules when it gets a little warmer I'll definitely do that!.
  • This is what I'm scared of for when I have my second baby in July and become a SAHM. :(
  • For the house take ur trash can from room to room. I used to have to gather my husband clothes for every room in the house, we fought and argued, I stopped washing his and now he puts them in the basket. Stand your ground.

    Have a no phone/tv time after work an hour everynight, but remember that we get breaks. On most days taking care of babies (except newborns) is not as hard as working 12 hours. He probably feels worn out try to schedule time to talk without baby girl.

    Side note you need time without the lo. Even if you don't think she is the problem there is always a worry when my son is around. I grocery shop once a week alone. The weight off my shoulders is amazing and just like u he is my life. What state are you in?
  • I am dealing with a lot of the same problems since the weather turned nasty
  • I haven't read all the responses so I don't know if this was mentioned....have you looked into Mommy and me play dates? I know you want to also spend time with Andy, but maybe on thing at a time would also be good in order for you to keep your sanity :) and as far as unpacking, do one box at a time I've learned that's the best method.
  • @char I think taking care of a baby all day, newborn or not is just as hard if not harder than working 12 hours. You get NO breaks unlike a real job.
  • @excitedforoctober I agree! some days are much easier then others though but its still alot of work!
  • edited January 2013
    @exicitedforoctober I did not say it wasn't hard, idk about you but my guy naps 1-2 hours a day.(break) I have work 14 hour a days as a truck driver and I can dam well guarantee u that was harder.
    I also believe I said she needed to get away from both of them once a week.

  • @char I believe I know what you wrote
  • She ( @char ) said its not AS hard as a full time job...not that it wasn't hard.
  • I believe I know what she wrote as I states above, no need for clarification. AND I said I believed it was HARDER so what is the big freaking deal?
  • LoL just thought you needed clarification. My bad.
  • @excietedforoctober Chill out!! If she wants to follow any of my advice thats up to her. In my former line of works my break consisted of stopping when I needed fuel, and running into a fast food place to get something to eat on the go. Idk what her so other does, do you?

    I enjoy taking care of my son and don't really see it as work. He is an extension of me if I keep him happy and healthy then I am happy.

  • @mommylovessparkle im so sorry you have to go through this. Its hard. My hubby works 12 hours a day 6-7 days a week. I can totally relate without the baby just yet. Being a SHAM&W is hard work.
    For you and your baby i would say try setting up a play date at your house. That way you don't have to go out, but you can interact with other women.
    As far as you and hubby, i would say that instead of asking him for attention that you plan some fun adult time for you an him. I know that its frustrating when you want to see more than the same four walls, but it works. When i feel like that, i try to be more loving and playful with my hubby so that he'll want to have fun.
    Im a GREAT babysitter lol, but i doubt i live close to you :(
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