breast milk ?

edited January 2013 in Pregnant
Not even thinking i ate a spicy dish tonight. about how many hours til it gets to my milk. I'm pumping and formula feding as well I'm just trying to figure out how many pumpings i should dump. tia


  • Does spicy food generally bug your lil ones tummy? I used to give my lil one some gripe water or gas drops before nursing her if I felt that I ate something that May give her gas...its like preventative, always worked like a charm and I didn't have to dump any milk... because that is always painful, pumping precious milk just to dump it lol
  • I know it is painful to dump lol she is onky 10 days old and i know with my son i ate spaghetti and he had a horrible diaper rash so i don't want to see what this does to her :/
  • edited January 2013
    @bahamamama4828 shared with me that spicy food doesn't really upset babies stomachs
  • Yep in India that food is spiiiiiiiicy! Lol so babies are used to it :)
  • Yea I've just read some interesting info on kellymom about how alot of food (including spicy food) doesn't actually go to the baby and that u really don't need to be overly cautious about what u eat, it also said that dairy products in a mom's diet are more to blame for babies gas than any veggies, salads and spicy foods and that's why when switched to formula babies still continue to have gas issues because it is made of cows milk.
  • I gave bm milk away several times and the people always emailed wanting more, but my milk gave my son such bad gas that I gave him formula 8 ounces a day. I still don't understand y other babies did okay with my milk when my lo didn't. My doctor told me anything I eat will be in my milk supply within 2 hours. He told my to start cutting things from my diet until I found the problem. The problem is that I think all the super spicy food burnt my taste buds out of my The energy to try and find new things to eat just wasn't there.
  • about 5 hours.
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