I really need some help and advice plzzzzzz!

edited March 2011 in August 2011
I'm 16wk1d and while having sex with my fiance I started bleeding I was feeling a pain b4 hand but nothing I felt was out of da ordinary but da bleeding has me extremely scared I dnt know what to do I had an apt yesterday and da baby's heartbeat was fine she said everything looked normal ugh I dnt want to stress anymore than I have to if anyone cld plz give me some advice or nething I wld greatly appreciated


  • edited March 2011
    How much bleeding is there? If its just a little like spotting you are likely ok but if its more than that or like a period you may want to go to the er to be safe. There Are a lot of blood vessels that get irritated during sex in pregnancy. I bled every time with my daughter, but if it's more than just a little spotting you should contact your Dr as well.
  • It wasn't too much it was a lil stringy but very little dats what has my fiance wrried but I'm not so sure I dnt wanna make it more than it is ans stress myself causing more problems.
  • If ur stressed about it call the doc :) that is what they r there for....
  • I had the same issue. Might be stress. But check with your doctor. They are always a good help. Never be scared to call. It will ease the mind :)
  • That happened to me twice my dr said as long as theres not any cramping its normal your just senitive down there and sex aggerivates it
  • I bled after sex all the time with my daughter. Drink some water and lay down. If the spotting lasts more than 1 hour, call doc. Its probably nothing, the pain is most likely just your uterus expanding.
  • Thanks everyone def eased my mind a lot >:D<
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