@sands3 These barely there symptoms aren't making me positive. I'm kind of looking forward to the real symptoms, but I guess I should enjoy the minor ones for now.
@veevee it is completely normal. Tender breast are usually one of the first symptoms you get. I would say your are right on track. Morning Sickness won't start till 7th or 8th week. Just take it one day at a time and enjoy
Im on my third pregnancy and still have a hard time believing im pregnant..im 22 weeks lol....i have had NO symptoms at all..cant tell you how grateful i am to be feeling movement lol but id put money on the fact that your baby is perfect!! Prayers for you!
It was about week 8 that I was the vomit machine thank god it ended at 14 weeks but then came the constant heartburn. Relaax all is good. As long as your not bleeding bright red you will be fine. The cramping you will feel is your ligaments strech to suport your every growning uterus because by the end it will be as big as a watermellon.
My first pregnancy I never had morning sickness, and was never moody. This pregnancy I've had a full force nausea and moody and every symptom under the sun. I only pray it evens out soon... tho on a good note my nausea has started subsiding!! Lol
Its okay girl lets hope you don't get the bad symptoms! Thank God i had such a smooth pregnancy no sickness at all. Nausea here and there but over all it was great.
I only had mad cramps got like 2 weeks nausea for about 2 weeks and breast tenderness. That's it. Thank God! I probably won't be that lucky the next time!