implatation bleeding?? PIX!

edited February 2013 in Trying to conceive
i think i should be about 8-9 dpo and this is wat happened to me right now..i kinda the same thing this past sat being about 4-5 dpo but i didnt think anything about i than-- i thought it was cus i had sex the same day but i havent had sex since than so what is this??? my af should be here around FEb 27


  • MORE details-- ive had small slight cramps for the past two days on my left ovary-- and i was BEYOND bloated the last two days also-- TODAY i feel GOOD
  • Kmfx that it is implantation bleeding! The timing seems right on.
  • Im hoping-- i just dont know what else it could be
  • I had that too.. I asked @wilsomom about in privet message with no picture cause I didn't think about it that's what she implantation bleeding for me it was 6 days after ovulation. I hope for the both of us that it's true. I get to test tom if af doesn't show! Good luck to you. mine looked just like that just tinny bit in my cm. Right?! @wilsomom what you think since we both had same thing.
  • ValVal
    edited February 2013
    @jules- i was kinda "ify" about posting a pix lol but i needed some good input lol
    I hope so-- i got it twice hats wats confusing me a lil about 5 dpo and again today.. aghhh GOOD luck to you plz keep me updated
    and yes it was mixed with CM
  • @val I wish I had picture for her too it's not big deal. But it happened to me super early in morning and I was still half asleep so didn't think about it. So I'm glad you posted now we can both get better opinion! I'll keep you updated for sure :)
  • I can't see the pic on my phone, but I hope that's what it is! I was also having some achy cramps like a week & a half before af & I got a bfp! I'm guessing it was implantation pain...sounds like that might be what you're having too!!! :D
    Any other symptoms at all?
  • @wilsomom I hope your right I haven't had any other symptoms maybe @Val has?
  • Oh @captivated might be able to help with this! Have you ever had implantation bleeding is this what it looks like?
  • I have never had implantation bleeding throughout any of my pregancies...I have been pregnant more than you can count on one hand. Never experienced it! Any bleeding I did have (which looked nothing like this), I ended up losing the pregnancy :( I'm of no help!
  • Mine looked just like this!!!
  • I Googled pictures of implantation bleeding and they looked like this
  • Yep, look just like google images! Good luck!
  • Hopefully your pregnant!! Good luck!
  • I hope this is it for you!
    I've never had implantation bleeding so i don't know what it looks like. Keeping my fingers crossed :)
  • Thanx girls--but I've also read that it can be caused by low progesterone levels :/ sigh...we'll see
  • Positive thoughts. :)
  • When is af due? Fingers crossed for you!!!!
  • Thanx @nikki2690 I miss you
    @mommyof3girls I miss you too!! Af is due anywhere from the 26-28
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Why is there no update yet??? :)
  • ^^^^ update
  • Update please....
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