7 month old flat head...

I noticed that my 7 month old now has a flat spot on the back of her head, is this something to be concerned about?


  • Dr told me if I let him lay on his back to much he could get aflat spot.
  • Idk if it's anything to be concerned about I was just told that. AJ alept on his belly so I didn't ask any questions.
  • My daughter sleeps on her back. I'm hoping it isn't something to be concerned about
  • If its severe she might need a helmet. My hubby was laid on his back as a baby a lot so now one side of his head is flat.
  • I don't think it's severe it just has me scared tho..
  • My youngest got a flat spot on the side of his head because he would always turn that way to sleep no matter what. It gave his head a weird shape. When I asked the dr he said it would go away eventually. As he got older & started moving around more in his sleep it went away. He's 17 months now.
  • It's called plagiocephaly. My daughter had to wear a helmet for three months to correct it. I would get an evaluation from Cranial technologies.
  • Thanks @wilsomom I hope it can go away on its own
  • @monkey_girl I'm going to make her a dr appt to see what she says
  • When my daughter was little she had to where a helmet which didn't work for her head is still a little flat. Dr said when I was pregnant with her she must of been laying in one position to long an she had a tight neck muscle we had to do therapy when she was a cpl months old. It was horrible stretching her neck she would cry :(.
  • This just happened not too long ago
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