gaining weight

I lost way too much weight while I was nursing Mari. Now that we've pretty much completed the weaning process, I'm still not gaining enough weight (my periods returned for a few months...but now they are irregular at best). I eat really healthy (I think I might have a borderline eating disorder in regard to injesting empty calories...) I hate junk food. I can do some sweets; but they have to be gourmet, and I can only stand a few bites. I can eat enormous amounts of protein and not gain weight. I already eat a ton of cheese, whole milk yogurt, and olives.

Being too skinny makes me look old! Plus, regular cycles would be cool. Any suggestions?


  • Have you had you thyroid tested? X
  • I have the same exact issue! I eat what you described as well. No thyroid issues though. My calorie intake is in between 2500-3500/day and I only started to work out just recently.
    OK I guess I am no help, just relating lol.
  • @littlenat86 I had a thyroid problem during my last pregnancy. It resolved itself during my 3rd trimester. I'll mention it to my doctor. Ty!

    @bahamamama4828 I estimated my calorie intake around 3500 too! I'm not severely underweight...I just look better when I'm above 125 (I'm 5'7")...and I have no butt unless I reach 130
  • Omg if u find an answer please tell me! I'm way smaller then I was before I got pregnant then had my daughter the weight I did gain which wasn't much came off the same week and after that just kept going down and I eat whatever I want. I'm pretty healthy eater but I eat unhealthy snacks all the time I'm not sure how many calories I eat a day but I know that's not the problem cause I'm always eating I feel like at least. I'm 80 pounds right now and 4 ft 11 in tall so I'm short yes but 80 pounds is still too skinny I think plus I'm ttc and I really think the weight thing is what making it harder cause with my daughter it only took one try and we were pregnant this time its been since start of january and still no baby :( which feels long to me. I've eveb tried shacks in between meals and snacks I've tried not being crazy active like I've been my entire life I have no idea. And it does make my cycle stupid and all over the place which sucks.
  • If there was ANY way of giving you my fat, i would lol!!
  • @perly ur funny I'm sure ur not fat plus ur pregnant right now so doesn't count. But at same time most of the time u don't hear people about being skinny I don't care really but the fact that I'm ttc and its probably not helping is what I don't like. Other then that being small is least of my worries
  • @Jules now I feel vain...because the only reason I want to pack on the lbs is to make my wrinkles less visible and to fill out my butt...good luck & *baby dust*
  • Btw, I just ate 17 blue cheese stuffed olives (the REALLY good fresh ones packed in cold-pressed olive oil). Brian said, "I thought you bought those to make martinis". But, I like olives WAY more than I like whatever, I'll buy more
  • It doesn't make u vain at all. I see it we have same goal different reasons I think its good for people to take care of themselves in order to be happy. People do it all the time when wanting to loss weigh so why can't we do it to gain right!? And thank u I need all the baby dust out there looks like I got the weigh thing and now issue with ovulating or something too and my hubby works all the time so I need miracle for sure. And I've never had. Those olives my hubby loves olives maybe I can find some of those for him :) he wouldn't mind it in a drink either lol
  • I miss my butt..
  • @jules i was a few lbs overweight when i got pregnant, plus the ones i've already gained since i got pregnant... Im looking at about 25-30lbs to lose once this baby is out lol.
  • @perly that's not bad at all I gained 23 pounds when I was pregnant 15 of which was baby and water and whatnot. Then the other 8 came right off within 3 days of being home especially if ur breastfeeding it just melts off :) that's normal weight gain your lucky one some women gained over 60 pounds that can't be easy to lose. When are u due?
  • @jules Im due May 17. I am planning to breastfeed, so hopefully that will help me out.
  • Yeah, I was just slightly over weight when I got pregnant with my first ( 5'2 and 139 pounds) and then I of course gained 70+ pounds.... Lost 30 right away and then had to work my butt off to get 20more off. Then my son became mobile and working out became harder. Then I got pregnant again before losing the last 20 and I'm now 25 weeks and gained 20 pounds already :( for some reason I gain super easily during pregnancy. I can't stand it, I feel disgusting all the time! I know neither side of the problem is easy but I wish my problem was not being able to gain weight. Determined to be back down to first date weight (125) by the time this baby turns one lol and you girls can have it all!!!! Lol
  • @perly that's not far away at all and the breastfeeding will help a lot :)
    @smcox yes some women are that way but the nice part is u probably had no problem getting pregnant and will have great milk supply. I'm having some hard time ttc right now and with my daughter my milk supply was horible and I did everything possible to try bring it up but it would only help like an oz I spent soo much money on it too. I wouldn't mind taking some of that weight I think if I got to 90 pounds that's the weight I was when I got pregnant with my daughter. Then that would be great!
  • @jules i hope so. Its hard for me to lose weight as it is. But Im determined to be a hot momma lol
  • @perly ya its hard to lose weight for my husband too unless he gets very serious about it but he also puts on muscle very easily and most of him is muscle. U will get there good attitude is number one and u have great attitude.
  • @jules true, I've never had any issues getting pregnant. With my first though my milk never came in, but I think that was more due to a "traumatic" Labor and birth. Praying the milk issue isn't an issue when this baby gets here in June. I really wish there was a way to give someone your fat that needed it lol oh how nice that would be!
  • @smcox oh I thought u were pregnant with ur second baby number 3 ha?! What a blessing. And I wish I could take some fat from someone too but just enough to be healthier to get prego again hehe. I want to ne healthy! Thank u its the thought that counts maybe that will help me put some weight on hehe
  • I was complaining to my mommy-BFF (who just had her 3rd, but was a little heavy before her 1st...she does heated yoga 4x a week and still can't loose any lbs). She acted really annoyed and said, "that sounds like one of those good-problems". So, I dropped it (and posted here).

    @Jules if you are concerned about weight contributing to ttc & milk supply, cut out all empty calories. Eat healthy fats like nuts, avocados, olives/olive oil. I was dramatically underweight when I conceived my first. Only a little underweight when I conceived my second. Plus, I'm a famous over-supplier in my bfing group, despite my lack of body-fat. Even with my first (who was born 10 weeks early, spent 5 weeks in the nicu, and I had to artificially induce lactation [w/ a pump because he couldn't nurse because babies that early have to be tube fed at LEAST til 32 weeks gestation...even then, they aren't strong enough to nurse exclusively and have to be bottle fed part-time), and we conquered almost every nursing-obsticle afterward). I know body-fat does play a part in ovulation, but if you consume lots of healthy fats, it just might give your body the edge to start the baby-making process! (Plus, nuts and dried fruit are nutrient dense foods so they take up less room in your stomach and you can eat more!)
  • @bahamamama4828 I never had much booty...but it's pretty non-existent now. I am however refusing to buy any new pants (except for Express slacks...they give me the illusion of a butt...totally worth the $55-70!)
  • @math_mommy if i could give you some of my fat i would lol.
  • @jules Third pregnancy but only second living baby :) I was a healthy weight when I got preggo the first time (the miscarriage) 115 pounds... That's when all my weight problems started lol even though I get pregnant really easily (which I'm super grateful for) my body doesn't handle pregnancy well.
  • @math_mommy first about ur friend that's a very normal reactions I'm sure she felt like back in high school when prefectly fit girls used to say they were fat and the overweight girls would be like seriously... but at same time there's nothing wrong with wanted to be healthy weather its losing or gaining some weight healthy is the goal and maybe ur friend will come around and u guys can support each other. And as far as the empty calories I know exactly what u mean I've been an athelete my entire life and have been great eater and naturelly crave those types of foods and as far as nuts its funny cause that's my number one snack I mean I don't just want to gain weight and be fat and unhealthy so I'm trying to be very healthy about it nothing is working. But I might have solved the ttc problem its only been since january and I decided to buy ovulation kit since I was under weight with my daughter and that wasn't problem and I'm pretty sure I just been ovulating late. I've been using it and nothing and I should technically be done today and today was first time I've acually seen the other pink line and I'm going to keep testing hopefully it will continue getting darker everyday! Then hopefully that's been the problem was me being off on my fertile days and not the weight thing will see. But ill still continue being healthy just in case :)
  • @smcox I see well first I'm so sorry for the lose I'm sure that was hard. But 115 seems pretty small for average high or u little shorter like myself? Has ur doc given u any reason why ur body has hard time with the pregnancies? I really wish u the best and healthy baby to come! Which is not too far I'm sure ur very excited about that :)
  • @jules what great news; so glad your lady-parts are working!!! I have a normal 30 day cycle (which is longer than most but still normal)

    Even though your hubbs works a lot, the man-part of baby making is simple, just climb on top of him when he gets home from work (us skinny girls have a lot of energy too, lol)
  • @smcox I've been reading your posts for over a year now and this is the first I've heard about your m/c. I'm so sorry I didn't express my sympathy earlier (while I don't know firsthand about the pain of loss, I do know about the fear of having one's firstborn's life in limbo). So, I know you have one boy already, how old is he and do you know the gender of your 2nd yet and (sorry for the grilling, but) when are you due?
  • Lol thanks I think they are working its not nearly dark enough to were its most fertile days but since yesterday there was nothing at all this is better then nothing! And I wish I could jump on him but his super tired after work his paramedic and works wed thur fri 9am to 9pm and the Saturday 6am to Sunday 6am and right now his on long week he has two extra shifts cause of his partner but I will try my best as soon as it gets darker. I do have a lot of energy in general lol its funny u said that cause sometimes he wishes I wasn't like that cause he can't keep up with all the things I have planed for the days off he just wants to sit around do nothing sometimes. We did have sex the 13th which acourding to my app was very fertile day but not acourding to the ovulation stick that's why I'm gonna keep trying this month
  • Lol @jules @math_mommy you girls are too cute. My miscarriage happened when I was 19, so over 7 years ago. Damien Logan is 16 months and my second little boy, Wyatt James, is due on June 27th but I'm having a repeat c section to avoid all the complications I had with Damien. I didn't enjoy not being all there for two weeks and not being able to hold him for 6+ hours. Oh and I'm short :P 5'2, so 115 was perfect for me. But my new goal is 120 by the time Wyatt is a year old. Trying to transfer into clean eating right now so that will help.
  • @smcox well thank u for sharing ur story. What kind of complications did u have if u don't mind me asking? Oh and if it makes u happy ur taller then me I'm 4 ft 11 inches and 80 punds but I was 89 last time I got pregnant which I'm sure if u know is a lot for short person its more like 15 pounds probably. But I've always been petite so I'm used to it I'm hoping that I can get this ovulation thing figured out and the weight thing might not be the problem. I just can't wait to have another one and I always wanted my kids close in age and every cycle it doesn't happen is month she's older and plus a women is pregnant for 10 months technically which almost year. Plus right now is great time to be prego since I get to stay home with my daughter anyways :)
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