anyone else going natural or have birthed natural before??

edited April 2013 in Pregnant
I'm starting hypnobirthing classes next week , and I think I have found my doula for baby #2 due in june (I am a doula myself)... I'm excited but scared, anyone else go natural and what worked for you, books..meditation.. counterpressure...water? You would think with all of my experience and birth education that id be like "oh I got this no sweat" but nope I'm sweatinnn! Lol


  • Water and slipping into my own world on my own planet lol the water helped a ton just don't bite your hubby like I did lol
  • ^^ I agree about getting in your own world. You have to zone out so to speak. I always find a spot on the wall or the bed if I'm laying sideways & look at it while focusing on my breathing. I wish I had a doula! Especially my last labor, I was stuck at 6cm forever & I caved & got an epidural. Did you not have your first natural?
  • People still do Lamaze?! Lol another book is gentle birth gentle mothering and any hypnobirth book you can find.
  • @Bahamamama4828 They've completely changed their methods, but yeah, it's still around. Lol I guess they modernized it.
  • I did not have my first natural @wilsomom ... I was trying to avoid induction as its almost impossible to go natural as the pain is so much worse but I was 2 weeks overdue and felt the pressure from family and the drs to just induce ..and ill tell u what, those pitocen contractions aint no joke! I tried to hold out but ended up getting an epi :/ but not this time, even if baby is overdue im not inducing...theres so much more that i know now that I didnt know back then
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  • That's awesome that you're getting informed & prepared! Believe me, I know what you're talking about. I was induced with 2 of mine & the second one I tried no epi..ha! The pitocin was cranked as high as allowed & I couldn't take it anymore & got the epi again. I'm curious, do many of your clients go natural? It's so counter cultural these days to go natural, not many do it.
  • I went natural with all 3 and let me tell u I scream and act all crazy.but the second the baby is out I'm good lol
  • I heard the women screaming while being prep for surgery. It made me happy to get then came after the surgery and I think I would rather deal with any pain for a short time than to have my stomach cut again. Apparently I make ass backward babies tho I am just preparing gor another c-section now. I have a high pain tolerance I just hated being slow and having a hard time doing certain things afterwards.
  • I had Tessa all natural which is what I planned, but I didn't get to the hospital til I was 9cm so I wouldn't have had a choice anyways haha. It hurt pretty bad but mostly because I had to push for 1.5 hrs because she was face up. I wish I would have practiced breathing because I was all over the place with that and I was really out of shape which made it harder too.
  • I did! Though I had pitocin and magnesium b.c. I was 6 days late and had pre e. But no epidural. I refused to even acknowledge the anesthesiologist when he came in to talk to me about the procedure of and epidural. They said I had to listen just in case I change my mind. I yelled I wouldn't at them! Then they changed tactics and said it's just in case I need a c section.
    I watched a bunch of baby shows and made a mental note not to waste my breath on screaming. Though I really wanted to!! I was pushing out a 9lb 2oz baby boy!! haha. Good luck!
  • @Leggs2011 omg you are one strong woman.
  • oh no. My friend is!! She had a baby girl two weeks early about a month ago who was 11lb 4oz. no lie!! She is freaking huge. Mamma didn't have any problems such as diabetes. Just a huge baby. And we know her conception date it right b.c. she got pg a month after she had her son. So her kids are like 10 1/2 months apart. Her "newborn" wears 3 month clothes and some 3-6 months. I've been helping her find cheap clothes. Her son was 9 lbs 13 oz.
  • But she had an epidural for all her kiddos. She cheated. lol. Still a lot of work though!
  • I had an 11lb 4oz baby naturally. My entire labor I sat on a ball and laid my head on the bed and the combo of having it dark and the quiet allowed me to relax
  • edited April 2013
    I did two of three natural by choice bc the epidural was hell with my first. I can tell u I had a great nurse... She'd watch for a contraction and keep telling me to breathe thru it. I thought I wasn't gonna make it but with her helping remind me to breathe I would have probably caved. I tried the going to my one place but the pain cut thru Lol. I also have my kids quick. I got to the hospital at 430 pm had him at 6 and most of that time was paperwork. I went in at 8 cm.
  • Hahahaha, @Bahamamama4828 I bit Martin in his shoulder when giving birth to Elena. He's still complaining about. @ScarlettsMama Tristan and Elena were both born at home in a birthing bath. So scared the first time, everything went so fast couldn't keep up. Second time, much better and I had a Mantra; kept saying over and over again 'I want to see my Elena, I want to see my Elena'. Was over in 3,5 hrs (start to finish). Oh and just try to remember that you want to feel pain, and you want it to get worse because that means your baby is coming soon. And don't forget to 'blow out the candles' (breath). @LaFiiTz89 that so funny and so true :-)
  • @Alida that is amazing! I would love to have a water birth , but my ins wont cover a homebirth or a birth center birth... but my hospital is very natural friendly and has amazing "birthing" tubs but they won't actually let u push the baby out in the water, so I can do everything else in the tub but when it comes to pushing theyll make me get out...hopefully the water helps anyway!
  • @scarlettsmama the water does help a ton!! Its better if you can actually birth in it but hospitals are weird like that lol...usually you can barter or make payments to have a home birth.
    @alida so thankful for home birth! That's what I had too! Never doing anything else lol
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