the 39th week :) UPDATE & Question about stripping membranes

edited June 2013 in Pregnant
Is such an accomplishment I just had to share. My first son was born at 34 weeks so the fact that this pregnancy is healthy and I made it to term is a big deal. Even though I've been trying to induce myself for a little over a week to no avail, im so glad that my ultrasound last week showed no stress or anything wrong with me or my baby. I am so ready to meet this little girl and im having no signs or symptoms of anything happening anytime soon :/ I dont want another c section- please baby come out now!


  • That's awesome that you made it so far! When are they wanting to do the c section? Of course you can always decline it, but just wondering what they're thinking. My dr's always want to induce me at 41 weeks, but thankfully I've always gone into labor right before then, because although I would decline if I had to I don't want to ruffle any feathers either.
  • @Wilsomom they are also wanting to do my csection at 41 weeks. Ive been made to feel like if I dont have my baby by then I will have to do the surgery (because my first was a c section). They refuse to induce me. What would happen if I declined the c section? I've had to sign these papers talking about the "rules" of attempting a vbac and one of them was if I went past my due date I would have to have a repeat c.s.
  • I had to sign a consent form also. My doctor will let me wait the normal to weeks past as long as the baby doesn't measure to big
  • I'm not sure what would happen really, but they might possibly decline to be your dr. Would they be willing to do a more natural induction like breaking your water or foley bulb? @homebirthadvocate might know more about what they can or can't do.
  • @Wilsomom im not sure but that's a good question for me to ask at Thursdays appointment
  • edited June 2013
    So im still only 1 (and maybe a half) centimeters dilated and 50% thick :( I've been like that for about 3 weeks now and I have my pre-op appointment for my c section on Monday. I really dont want to have to have a repeat c section. However, my dr is going to strip my membranes on Monday to try to get things moving for me. Has anybody had this done at only 1 centimeter and had success? How long did it take for labor to start after having it done?
  • I was about 1.5-2 when i had mine stripped, it was on a Wednesday i had my daughter that saturday at 40w1d
  • @MorgDeeBee did it hurt having it done?
  • You're not technically over due until after 42 weeks :/ then you just need a little extra monitoring.
  • @Bahamamama4828 the medical center I go to has this rule about not allowing women who are attempting a vbac to go past the due date because if higher risks ..? Idk but they had already scheduled my c section before I had even gotten there today(I thought id at least have a say in the day id have it done but I guess not) and they also do not induce labor on women who've had a prior c section so stripping membranes is as good as ill get from them
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  • It was a little uncomfortable but noot to bad.
  • Never worked at 1cm for me. With my second, it worked the third time at 3cm. :) And yes, you DO have a say in the matter. You can refuse any and all medical treatment. They scheduled it because they make more money when you have a section. They *could* possibly as a patient, but no hospital can refuse a laboring woman.
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