pppppizza face, pppppizza face

I thought my years of acne was over when I passd my adolesent stage.. I hav the worse case of acne, I look like a 14 yr old all over again.
Anybody hav any skin remedies they care 2 share? I feel soo ugly :(


  • Dove sensitive soap works pretty good
  • Cinnamon,and squeeze a lime it would form into a paste at first it would tingle but it would stop it makes ur skin soft. I'm also, having a acne problem
  • I'm using tea tree oil, normally it works like a dream... but nothing and I mean nothing is stopping this acne I got... its horrible
  • @junabuggbaby and you wonder why no one likes you? Its because of your rude comments.
  • Juna is just an attention whore, and paying any attention to them is only egging them on. Just ignore 'em and eventually they'll get bored and leave. :)
  • She's doin it purposefully and is getting off on everyone tellin her something about it. It's pathetic really, really hard to ignore her because its amazing a grown woman can be so damn childish but really we all need not respond to her posts whatsoever, we all kno by now she's full of sh*t
  • I am prego with my 4th and never have acne unless I have my period but since I got prego my whole face has broken out!
  • I am going to ignore the same person who keeps bashing people in these forums...because being "outspoken and outgoing with a blunt opinion" is WAY different than your B*tchy comments.
    On the note of helping with acne during pregnancy @breewashington08, I have also experience this misfortune...but please honey do yourself a favor and not call it that. You're beautiful and dont have a "pizza face" Its just a skin issue and wont be there forever. Things I have tried (and have helped) in the passed is a skin remedy called "Dermalogica" Its at Ulta stores, but you can probably look it up online. It has been the only thing that helped my skin. Best of luck sweetie and ignore rude people.
  • I am having the same problem, try getting some st ives apricot scrub u cant go wrong....and as for @junabuggbaby shes just on here to try to cause.problems shes probably not even pregnant, the moderaters need to kick her off.
  • I like doing facemasks, although the one that I have been doing for months I realized today that my skin has become too sensitive for it :( acne cream seems to help the pimples I get lately and I also started using aveeno face wash for sensitive skin
  • Moderator here. Unfortunately, we can't kick members off. We can only moderate, edit, close, sink discussions& comments. We have notified Martin about the entire situation, he is very busy, but he will handle it. Until then we ask that you don't acknowledge (I know, its difficult) Junabuggbaby, it just adds to the problems. If there is any further issues, please don't hesitate to contact either myself MrsDelRae@pregly.com or Mama_Kat@pregly.com or Martin@pregly.com
    we are doing our best, but at the moment there's no real way of stopping her, but ignoring her will help. Again, I'm sorry for all of you who has suffered this disrespect. Big hugs to all of you!

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Moderator
  • Im not alone! Idk I just wash my face every morning and night with warm water and biore facial scrub....anything too strong breaks me out even more.
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  • @mama0811 the avocado oatmeal one. Its by Freeman. I live for that mask. Just bought 2 tubes of it a couple days ago, I even make my hubby let me put it on him as well. Lol!
  • @mama0811 I live in ny we don't have a Walmart is there any other place they sell the mask
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  • I hvnt been on here in a couple of days and I come back to all these comments. Thanks for all your help ladies. And fortunatlely enough I have no clue what junabuggbaby said because it must have been removed by the medatator.
    The problem I'm facing with my face is that my skin is extreemly dry but I'm geting the worse breakouts. I've been exfoilating evry week an using nuetrogena face moisturizer and its working out great. Thanks 4 the comments of advice ladies. Good luck 2 evrybody else facing these dreaded pimples, it'll all b worth it in a few months :)
  • My Dr told me aveeno oatmeal wash
  • Cetaphil bar soap - the antibacterial version. Very gentle and works great. I have super sensitive skin that is also eczema-prone and I don't use anything else anymore.
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